Everyday Magical Things ~ Aloe Vera

The Aloe vera plant has been used for centuries for its diverse healing properties. It grows all over the world, primarily in tropical climates. The usage of aloe dates all the way back to ancient Egypt, and even earlier. Aloe is mostly made of water so it’s perfect for things like:

Burns, bug bites, scrapes, blisters, and other skin irritations.

Extracts of aloe are also found in many commercial products to help with moisturization.

One of the many uses of Aloe is that it can help heal acne scars by moisturizing then naturally tightening the skin pores. It can also be bought as a liquid to add to your drinks. Doing this helps create a slippery substance in your intestines which helps push food through and into waste. It can be added to an enema to have the same effect, just from the other end. If you buy an actual plant, you can cut off the leaves and sort of skin them, using the gooey insides for smoothies or even in different food recipes.

If you’re experiencing something like heartburn, it also soothes internally as well. It’s also been shown to lower blood sugar, and even help fight against breast cancer. There are many studies showing the positive health benefits from including aloe in your life, both for internal and external purposes. Try bringing it into your life for a week and see if your body feels any different!

It’s also great for Moisturizing skin and hair, soothing acidic stomachs, removing makeup, and so much more.

Not to mention, it grows in a Fibonacci spiral. It is one of the many plants that visibly creates a beautiful natural pattern that resembles sacred geometry. Try looking at an aloe plant from above and see the precise spiral for yourself. So, in the end, you could say aloe vera is really...MATHEMATICAL!








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