Building Organizational Habits To Support Your Spiritual Life

How often do you feel like you’re life’s one big mess? Your house is full of clutter, you keep forgetting important things that you should do, and your schedule is so packed that you barely have time to catch your breath. If this sounds like your life right now, then it’s time to do something about it. Otherwise, you’ll continue living like you’re running on a hamster wheel. You may think you’re doing so much already, but you’re not getting anywhere. 

What Does It Mean To Be Well-Organized?

Being a well-organized person is not just about your ability to get things done, but also about your capacity to set aside time and energy for other aspects of your life, like family, friends, hobbies, faith, or spirituality. These areas of our existence are also vital in ensuring that we live a meaningful life, and not spend our days grinding it out at work. 

If you want to have more time for yourself and the things you love doing, then you may have to consider adopting good work habits and organizational systems that will help you become more efficient. The importance of good practices and a method for doing things is to streamline your process so that you can maximize your resources. It means you get to make the most of your days and finish as many tasks as possible. 

When you make an effort to do this, you can take care of any backlogs and pending tasks you have. At some point, you’ll be able to finish the things you have to do, and you can finally let go of all your stress and worries. The next time you’re faced with another challenging job, you will know better and be more effective in completing it. Ultimately, work can be compartmentalized and limited in its own schedule—no more working on the weekends or late nights. You can spend more time with the people you love and do things you want to do. 

How To Build An Organizational System

You may already have your own system on how to work on tasks. Here are some tips that you can use to improve them, or you can customize these steps to fit your needs better. They’re quite simple and easy to follow, so hopefully, you’ll try them out first and see what effects these tips have on the way you organize tasks. 

Do a mind dump

What exactly is a mind dump? This is the first step of the process, so you can start to filter out what you have to do based on priority. Let’s say you have so many things on your plate, and you just don’t know how or where to begin. Grab a sheet of paper and pen and start writing the tasks you have in mind. Don’t worry if they’re not organized yet, you can think about that later. For now, just write everything down in whatever arrangement they may come. 

Determine the deadlines

Now that you have all the tasks in a sheet of paper, it’s time to determine the deadlines of each task. Write the dates next to what you’ve written. When you’re finished, you now have an idea of the things you have to prioritize. Notice how you feel much more relieved because your mind has finally released all the worries you’ve been keeping there. 

Assess challenges

Since you already have your first sheet with the tasks and their deadlines, you can start to arrange them in order of priority. You can do this again on another sheet or put them in a calendar on your computer. Whatever works for you is fine. 

When it comes to the tasks you haven’t done, there must be something daunting or intimidating there that you can’t seem to start working on them. Write about those challenges. What small steps can you make to overcome them? For example, if you have to write a monthly report, what’s the first thing you need to do? Write the steps you need to take. This will be your guide, as well as your checklist when you start working on the task. 

Identify people who can help you

If you encounter a roadblock and you need help to finish your task, identify people at work who can help you. If you are a member of a team, for example, and you’re having trouble with new tasks that have been assigned to you, who will you go to for help? You can think of the people in your team who are more experienced. You may also reach out to your supervisor or team leader. It’s better to ask than to pretend to know things and then end up doing the task incorrectly. 

Apply These Steps At Home

These organizing tips are not just for work because you can use them for doing chores as well. Write down every chore that needs to get done. As for the deadline, you can set a self-imposed deadline, but you must adhere to it. When you assess the challenges, you can also think about what’s how you can strengthen the rules in your home like “put things back where you found them.” It’s simple yet truly effective. 

In identifying who can help you, you can talk to your family about assigning tasks to each one or having a schedule on who does what for the day. If your kids are young, make doing chores into a fun activity. What’s important is that you expose them to doing chores early on. It goes the same with your partner. If both of you are working, then it would be better to take turns on who makes dinner. 

These are just examples, so feel free to customize them to your specific needs. You can be organized at work and at home. Practice the steps shared in this article and modify them to fit you best. You may even discover other effective strategies as you apply these tips more and more.  

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