How To Manage Your Kids Without Losing Your Spiritual Self

Does it feel like your kids are out of control? At some point, they have pushed you too hard that you thought you’d lose your sanity. It might help to know that you’re not the only parent who has this problem. While many may not admit it, most parents find child management to be a challenge. 

Some parents have learned how to manage two kids whenever they fight or argue. Some have surrendered to the idea that dealing with out of control kids is a family norm. Whenever children refuse to do what they are asked, listen to their elders, or simply decide to break the house rules, parents find child care truly frustrating. 

Whenever it feels like your kids have become out of control, you can just stop and let it be. You have to work to get your power back. After all, you should maintain your parental authority for your own sake and your child’s well-being. 

How Do You Get The Kids To Listen?

If you want to be able to manage at home and not struggle for your kids to listen, these strategies might be able to help. 

Put house rules in place 

It may be surprising to know that kids like to have rules and limitations in the house. The rules reassure them that they are safe in their homes and that their parents are good leaders that keep everything in order. 

When kids do not feel like their parents are able to keep the order, they tend to be under a lot of distress. Such feelings of distress could lead them to develop more behavioral problems. 

Reduce the risk of misunderstanding by creating clear cut rules and putting them in writing. Make sure to include in the rules the use of kind words at all times and asking before doing or using something. The standards apply to all, even to parents. Remember that it is easier to enforce the house rules when they are written down and discussed with all family members. 

Get everyone into a routine

Creating a structured day for your kids should help you manage them. What does this mean? Simply put, your children need to know when it’s time for homework, dinner, chores, family time, and playtime. Try to stick to the schedule as much as you can to make sure that the kids are able to embody them without being told. 

Ask them to take part in the housework

No matter how old your kids may be, make sure that they are assigned age-appropriate chores. When the kids are used to doing the chores themselves, you never have to ask for them to do it. Also, ask them for suggestions on what can be done. When they pitch in ideas for the family, you are teaching them proper responsibility. 

Focus on what they can do

While it may be easy for you to say that they cannot do this or that, using positive reinforcement can encourage them to do it. So instead of saying you cannot watch television, tell them they can do it if they finish washing the dishes first. Always go for positive choices that gives them very little room to work around. 

Always be firm with your directives 

The way that you give them directions and instructions on what needs to be done plays a considerable role in establishing your role in their lives. Be direct and firm with your decision. It helps to focus on one instruction at a time. Ensure that your child’s attention is on you and calmly gives them directions on what to do. 

What Are The Consequences?

Once you have put the rules in place, everyone in the family, particularly the kids, are all expected to follow. But when they don’t, you also have to be consistent with the consequences that each “breaking of the rule” comes with. 

When children know the rule for each violation, they are less likely to misbehave. However, not all consequences work well with children. You need to pick the right consequence for every action carefully. 

Which of these will be most effective for your child?


This consequence usually works for children under 8. If your child refuses to take the time out or get out of it even before completing it, do not shout or get mad. Just put them back without speaking until the time-out time has been fulfilled. 

Goodbye privilege

Taking away a favorite toy, electronics, or screen time should work well for older children. But don’t take it away too long. Your child may act so much worse if you take out their privilege for days or weeks at a time. 

Make him accountable

If your child’s misbehavior affects someone else, the best solution is to put restitution to order. Ask your child to take over the chore of the person he hurt or have her loan a favorite toy to the victim. 

Be logical with your consequences

If your child drew on the wall despite constant reminders not to, then let them deal with it. Ask them to wipe it off. She breaks something, makes her pay for it. Logical consequences help the children realize the veracity of their actions. 

Don’t be discouraged when it seems your child’s behavior is only getting worse. It will get better soon. 

Once all the rules and consequences are in place, you are able to create a more peaceful household. It is one of the things you need to achieve that balanced care for women like you. Keeping the kids in tow at all times will help achieve a healthy balance in life. 

As a parent, your goal is not only to raise healthy, disciplined kids. But you also need to do things to keep your well-being intact

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