How to Prepare for the Incoming Shift in Your Life

What is an aspect of your life that you want to change? Does it feel challenging to make that change? Making a considerable switch and taking on a shift of perspective is always tricky in the beginning. No matter what kind of change you want to take on, it’s still going to be difficult. 

You may be asking yourself, “Is it possible to make a change for life?” 

Remember this: making a shift in your life, no matter how old you are, is possible if you want it to be. Whether it is big or small, change always brings about something new. 

It is not going to be easy, but it is going to be worth it. In fact, it can be messy at times, but it will be worth taking the shot. As long as you want to make that shift, you can always make it happen. 

How Will The Shift Happen In Your Life?

How does change happen in your life? Here are some of the steps you may encounter when changing your life.

  • You are struggling. This is the phase that is most difficult to imagine and even go through. It may take weeks, months, or maybe even years, and the saddest part is that it will leave you unhappy. If you are struggling to start something or make something out of nothing, then it means you are trying to shift to something of which you’re not familiar. You want to change for the better, but you’re not motivated. You struggle, and you will want to give up. This will happen again and again until you find the courage to take on the challenge and move on. 
  • You finally find yourself ready to make that change. Sometimes, it takes more than just determination to make things happen. For example, if you’ve been pushing away this major change, you may hit rock bottom before you realize that it is time to adjust. There are other times when you decide to make the change because you have found inspiration to do it. Sometimes, it is really just about having the courage to make things happen, and you resolve that you are going to do it
  • You start to feel the enthusiasm to make the shift. You might go all the way. You make sure you’re prepared. You buy that new book or perhaps that yoga mat. You begin to watch videos, read articles online, or download a new app or two. All these are ways you find yourself at the beginning of the significant shift that you want to make. The surge of energy is there, so take advantage of it. 

What Do You Need To Make The Shift?

Change your brain, change your life -- that’s how it works. When you tweak your perspective a little, you will see how this could help improve your experience. 

With all the different changes that you can choose in life, how will you make the shift happen? How will you recreate yourself to be a better version of who you are? Here are some tips on how to do it right:

Identify what part of your life you need to change and go ahead and work on it.

You can fool yourself into thinking that there is no need for you to change right now, but you also know that you need to make that change now. For years, taking on the challenge to change has been the skill that you needed to develop for yourself. 

Take a good look at your life. What aspect of it do you need to change? For example, if you are used to reacting negatively on others, perhaps you should look into that and rationalize what can be done. When you think of change, make sure it is something doable. This skill all begins with honesty. Be open to making a change by being honest first. 

Find a way to flip the switch, make a change, and commit yourself to take action. 

Set yourself up for success. 

Prepare yourself to take action and get yourself ready for the change that you want to commit yourself. It does not matter how you begin—the most important thing at this point is just beginning. Don’t get yourself caught up into being indecisive. Instead, prepare yourself to take action.

One of the first actions that you need to take is to be accountable for your efforts. Keep yourself motivated by admitting to the possibility that things might not work out as planned. But stay in the game. Don’t let this hinder you from trying to make that change. 

Stay positive, even when it feels as if nothing is going right. 

More often than not, you will get discouraged in the process. You will lose your will to go on. Learn how to encourage yourself. It may take a while before you can make it happen, but you will be able to, in time. No one else will be able to pull you up from the ground, so keep going. 

If you fall, get back up.

When things fail, people think that there’s no reason for them to get back up, but there is. Sometimes, you might be doing things that will take you off track, but don’t let it happen. Instead, push yourself to go on. Make it impossible for yourself to give up. Give yourself words of encouragement to keep going. Over and over again, do it. Don’t give up on yourself. 

Making any change is difficult. The beginning may be very challenging, but this should not keep you from moving forward. Go ahead and make that shift and be better than who you were. You’d be surprised at how much your life will improve. 

A Mystery School For The New Age...

In late 2019, Spirit Science launched  a one-of-a-kind educational platform ~ Spirit Mysteries ~ as an online space for self-mastery. It has grown rapidly, and now contains hundreds of hours of courses and thousands of students from across the world. 

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