The 10 Best Foods For A Stronger Mind

The foods that you put inside your body says a lot about how healthy or unhealthy you are. The food has a significant impact on the health and structure of the brain too. Eating foods that boost your brain's health can support both short and long-term functions of the brain. 

How Much Food Does Your Brain Need?

Foods that boost brain power should be a regular part of your daily meals. Little do people know that the brain is an energy-intensive organ, which means that it utilizes about 20% of the calories that you put inside your body. Can you imagine how much calories it needs to help keep your brain focused?

Apart from the total amount of calories that the brain needs to function, it also requires certain nutrients to keep it healthy. For example, consuming Omega-3 fatty acids help in the repair and building of new brain cells. The antioxidants in the food that you eat help reduce cellular inflammation and stress. 

All-natural brain enhancers are linked to preventing brain aging and other neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer's. Luckily, you can find all the nutrients that your brain needs in various food items available in your neighborhood market. 

All you need to be is more careful in choosing which ones to include in your diet. 

What Foods For The Brain Should Be On Your Shopping List?

Which foods contain nutrients for brain function? Here are ten of the superfoods you must eat to keep your brain super healthy.

Fish oil

Did you know that the best source of the Omega-3 fatty acids are fish? The Omega-3 natural fish oil helps build the membrane around each cell in the body, including the brain's susceptible cells. 

Therefore, eating oily fish can improve the structure of the neurons; the cells found in the brain. Research studies also suggest that eating foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids helps improve a person's cognitive thinking skills. 

Which fish contain the much-coveted Omega-3? 

  • Salmon
  • Mackerel
  • Herring
  • Tuna
  • Sardines

All of these types of fishes are considered oily fishes, which makes them perfect for your diet. People can also get Omega-3 fatty acids from eating soybeans, flaxseed, nuts, and other natural-grown seeds. 

Dark chocolate

Whole milk chocolates are a big no-no because of their high fat and high sugar content. But dark chocolate is a whole different story. It contains cocoa, also known as cacao in other countries. The cacao is a naturally-grown plant that includes a type of antioxidant called flavonoids. 

Antioxidants are especially important to keep the brain healthy because it is susceptible to oxidative stress, which is responsible for age-related decline in cognitive function and other brain diseases. 

Flavonoids contained in cacao can be good for the brain because it encourages the growth of blood vessels and neurons that help in the learning process and keeping memory. They are also responsible for the stimulation of the natural blood flow in the brain. 

Several research studies suggest that the flavonoid component found in dark chocolate reverses the snags in memory.


Did you know that berries contain a rich serving of flavonoid antioxidants too? Research shows that this is the very reason why berries are suitable for the brain as well. 

Antioxidants from berries help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation. The antioxidant content in berries includes caffeic acid, catechin, anthocyanin, and quercetin

The antioxidant compounds found in berries come with many positive benefits on the brain. This includes the following:

  • Improve communication between the cells in the brain
  • Reduce inflammation in the body
  • Increase the level of plasticity, which helps in building new brain connections
  • Reduce age-related neurodegenerative diseases

Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries are just some of the berries that contain antioxidants. 

Seeds and nuts

Do you love eating seeds and nuts? If you do, then you are on the right track. These are brain foods that contain Omega-3 fatty acids and healthy antioxidants. Nuts and seeds are also rich in Vitamin E, which helps protect the cells from the negative effects of free radicals in the body. 

The nuts and seeds with the highest amounts of Vitamin E include:

  • Sunflower seeds
  • Almonds
  • Hazelnuts 

Whole grains

Did you know that eating whole grains also gives your body much-needed Vitamin E? Any of these grains could be a good source of this vitamin:

  • Brown rice
  • Barley
  • Oatmeal
  • Whole grain pasta


Coffee is well-known to be a concentration aid. If you need to stay focused and awake, then a cup of coffee will do the trick. The caffeine content in coffee blocks the adenosine in the brain, which is the substance that makes a person feel sleepy. 

Apart from the boost in alertness that coffee gives, caffeine also helps increase the brain's capacity to process information. It is a good source of antioxidants that support the brain even as the person gets older. It has been linked to reducing the following as well:

  • Cognitive decline
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Stroke
  • Alzheimer's disease


Avocados are known to be a good source of unsaturated fats, which helps support various brain functions. Regular consumption of monounsaturated fat contained in avocado can help reduce blood pressure levels, which is highly linked in cognitive decline. 

Apart from avocados, there are other sources of healthy unsaturated fat. These foods include:

  • Almonds and cashews
  • Chia seeds and flaxseed
  • Walnuts
  • Fish
  • Soybean and sunflower seeds


Peanuts are natural legumes that come with an excellent nutritional profile. They contain a healthy portion of unsaturated fat and protein to help keep the person's energy levels high. Peanuts have also been found with nutrients that help take care of the brain, including high levels of Vitamin E and resveratrol. 

Resveratrol is a natural non-flavonoid antioxidant that is usually found in berries and mulberries. They help prevent inflammation in the brain, cancer, and other neurodegenerative diseases. 


Eggs are usually enjoyed during breakfast because they are perfect brain food too. Eggs are a good source of Vitamin B. 


While broccoli is known for its low-calorie content, it is also excellent for the brain. This vegetable is rich in glucosinolate compounds. When the body breaks it down, this becomes isothiocyanates. 

The isothiocyanates help reduce the oxidative stress that the brain may suffer from. It lowers the risk of neurodegenerative diseases too. 

Why Should You Keep Your Brain Healthy?

The foods on this list are all good for the brain. They help improve a person's memory and concentration. Some of them also help reduce the risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases. 

All of these are brain-boosting foods that help keep your brain healthy. Eat them and live a long, fruitful life. 

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