The Symbology Of The Outer Planets: Pluto

articles astrology Dec 20, 2020

Written by Joe G. Santos

Pluto is the furthest of the three major outer planets. As it slowly goes through its 248-year cycle, it shapes the course of human history in subtle yet remarkable ways. Due to its starking distance from us, it is often difficult to fully grasp what sorts of plans the dwarf planet has prepared. Still, upon historical inspection, we see that even though its works are shrouded in mystery, the transits' outcomes are incredibly tangible. Much of that obscurity is the primary source of Pluto's astrological significations. Named after the Underworld god, Pluto rules all that is unseen, the ghosts of our present and the power of change.

Though there is much that we still do not know about the planet, slowly, we are getting glimpses of what lies in the farthest reaches of our solar system. With the New Horizon's Pluto flyby of 2015, we gained new insight into the planet's appearance. In 2020, the dwarf planet stepped into the astrological limelight with Saturn and Jupiter's conjunction, which engendered a palpable understanding of the effects a planet smaller than our moon is capable of instigating. 

The Material Perspective

Even though the impetus of studying Pluto in this article comes from an astrological background, we cannot neglect the physical aspects of how these energies manifest in the material world. Many of the inner planets' symbolic significations come from observing how they interact with the Earth as they make their path around the Sun. For example, Jupiter's archetype symbolizes abundance due to the physical planet being the largest in the solar system. With that in mind, even the most basic understanding of the planet's astronomy and geology can give us significant indicators of how the planet affects human life in the microcosm. This exploration is especially significant considering the astrology is still conceptualizing these "younger" planets due to their lack of observation from our ancestors who coined the metascience in the first place.

Since its discovery in 1930, astronomers all around the world neglected the exploration of Pluto. Now, NASA deemed the planet King of the Kuiper belt since the New Horizon's mission to visit the planet via space probe in 2015. This change in status is mainly attributed to Pluto's study incentivizing the creation of a new planetary category of a dwarf planet. The primary characteristic that sets a dwarf planet apart from a regular world is that planets like Pluto have not cleared the "neighborhood" of similar objects around it. In other words, the planet's orbit is cluttered with other objects similar to it that do not orbit it. Most of the known dwarf planets are located in the farthest region of our solar system called the Kuiper Belt, though there is an exception, namely Ceres, with its orbit between Mars and Jupiter. 

On top of creating a whole new planetary category, Pluto's orbit also stands out compared to the other solar system worlds. Contrary to the linear composition of the different planet's orbits in relationship to one another, the dwarf planet breaks that pattern with a tilt of 17°. This distinction causes a harmonious overlap with Neptune's orbit. Though their paths cross, they never collide with one another. We also see this imagery of paths crossing, yet never touching with Pluto's relationship with one of its moon, Charon. Despite Pluto having a total of five moons, Charon is the largest and the most symbolically relevant. The moon is about the same size as the planet, and they are incredibly close to one another. For that reason, the two planetary bodies began to orbit each other. Another interesting fact about this relationship is that both are tidally locked, which means that they are always facing each other on the same side. Usually, only moons are tidally locked to the planets, hence why we cannot see the notorious dark side of the moon. Since both Pluto and Charon both share an orbit, they are often called a double planet system

The Mythology

In an earlier article titled "What can we learn from Saturn," we touched on the primordial god Kronos' story. In Greek Mythology, Pluto —also known as Hades— was one of the children devoured by Kronos before Zeus's (Jupiter's) rebellion that initiated a new heavenly governmental era. Hades, along with Zeus and Poseidon, composed the trio tasked to govern our world. Zeus was in charge of the heavens, Poseidon the oceans, and Hades the Underworld.

Contrary to what media such as Disney's Hercules and Santa Monica's God of War has us believing, Hades was not the antagonist in most mythological stories. Surprisingly, when comparing the deity with the rest of the pantheon, Hades is the most just of them all. Most of the fear and malevolence accredited to him comes from the fact that he rules the realm of the dead. These negative characteristics mainly stem from the fact that humans still wrestle with the idea of their own mortality. Another curious detail is that Hades himself is not the God of Death and, therefore, did not bring fatal omens onto people. Thanatos was the one in charge of this part of the cycle of life. Hades was merely a guard who ensured souls met their deserved fates in the afterlife. For that reason, the god was said to rarely ever leave his domain, making sure that no soul ever escaped its fate.

Much of the fear that became synonymous with Hades drove our ancestors to avoid saying his name, believing that the mere mention of the god acted as a summon of death. This coined the god's second name Pluton, which in later Roman tradition was transliterated to Pluto. The duality of this deity's name hides an alternate deeper understanding of his role. Pluton in ancient greek means "The Wealth Giver." What makes this second name an exciting consideration when comparing the Astrological and Mythological significations of the deity is that Zeus and the planet Jupiter are usually the ones who are associated with affluence and material gain. The ancient Greeks would often go as far as referring to the god as the "Second Zeus" for that reason. Though initially, it may seem nonsensical for the god of the Dead to be also related to abundance, this definition comes from the relationship between the underground and the excavation of precious ores. With that in mind, we begin to see the more positive connotations of the deity. After all, he was also the ruler of Elysium, which was the Greek equivalent of Heaven for mortals. By that definition, Pluto is the God of Abundance through death and hard work, and Zeus is the God of Abundance through sheer luck and heavenly blessings. 


As we have explored in this article's astronomical section, Pluto acts as a double planet system in conjunction with its moon Charon. Since both planetary bodies are tidally locked to one another, both will always be under the same constellation from our point of view. Therefore, to fully understand Pluto's role, we must also look into its companion satellite's symbology. 

In mythology, Charon was the boatman tasked to shepherd the souls of mortals to be judged by the three Hades' subordinates: Rhadamanthus, Minos, and Aeacus. He is one of the many daemons of Greek Mythology. They were inborn and immortal guiding spirits that possessed minor specific tasks. Hermes (a.k.a Mercury) would bring the newly deceased souls to Charon, and the daimon would progress to carry them through the rivers of the Underworld in exchange for a gold coin. Hermes and Charon would abandon those who could not pay up at the entrance to the Underworld. Since they did not face proper judgment, they became stuck between the mortal and spiritual worlds with no punishment or reward. Here we see Charon representing the law of exchange. It illustrates the fact that both chaos and order come as the result of energetic reciprocity. Those who remain impartial and do not participate in this law and, therefore, only seek to receive are abandoned by the flow of life itself. These people are then forced to live in eternal monotony. It is hard to conceptualize how anyone can avoid this law in 3D reality, which says that those who attempt to do so do not even get the privilege of existence. In a sense, the law is unavoidable.

The Astrology

Keywords: Death, transformation, power struggles, spite, rebirth

Rulership/Affinity: Scorpio

Element: Plutonium

Planetary Quality: Hot and cold

Plutonian Cycle: 248 years

Cycle Phases: Due to the elliptical orbit, it varies drastically from 10-30 years per sign.


Mundane Astrology often associates Pluto with subjectively unpleasant events. Pluto and the other two outer planets rule over large groups of people and generations, as discussed in the previous article. The world is the slowest of the leading astrological planets. With that considered, it conclusively deals with the most considerable amount of people, so hard Pluto aspects (conjunctions, oppositions, and squares) are often associated with global events related to its significations. That includes wars, pandemics, economic crisis, and governmental control. In natal astrology, the planet also gets a similar treatment. Contrasting the visible planets, Pluto does not seem to have a considerable role in crafting people's personalities. Usually, in a Natal Chart, the dwarf planet will point at challenges likely to be faced depending on what house it falls under. The exception to this rule is when he is heavily aspected with other inner planets, importing some of the Plutonian significations onto the other planets it interacts with. Donna Cunningham describes a difficult Pluto placement in her book Healing Pluto Problems.

The person with a difficult Pluto placement can be a scorpion in that area of life (the house Pluto is located in the chart), acting out of venom on others, usually in a covert or twisted manner. I call this syndrome the vengeful victim, in that here is where the person feels wronged, yet feels most justified in returning that wrong to others.

With that description, we see that Pluto can be the harbinger of difficult and traumatic events, that if left untreated, can pass be passed on to others. In this, Pluto illustrates the saying, "Hurt people, hurt people."

The Plutonian Cycle

As Pluto travels through the signs, it tells the story of the dismantling and reconstruction of significant global systems. As we will explore it below, each of the Plutonian Ages marks the introduction of new ideologies, technology, wars, and revolts that come to transform the Age preceding it. While looking at how the other planets interact with Pluto through the years can give even more detailed information of each separate era's development, Pluto's placement alone provides a broad overview of the global power structure. As astrologer Patrick Watson puts it in his article "A History of Pluto Through the Zodiac," Pluto warps, distorts, and corrupts the symbols each sign of the zodiac stands for. 

We are currently approaching the end of a Capricorn Plutonian age as we transition to an Aquarian age in 2025. Though traditionally, the astrological cycle begins in Aries, we will start with Aquarius to gain insight into what themes the era ahead of us could have in stock. It is crucial to remember that this article is only taking Pluto transits into account. It may be easy to feel alarmed by such dark and challenging themes, but this is merely a piece of the puzzle. Though there may be many challenging global events in the list below, we are ultimately the creators of our future. Pluto can be tough to work with, but with self-mastery, we can use these challenges to help change the world for the better. Opposition and defiance will always be aspects of life, but we also strengthen our understanding of ourselves through them.

Bear in mind the descriptions below are not of the personality traits of these Pluto placements. Read these as abstract descriptions of the planet's qualities while it is transiting through each sign. Pluto may influence our personalities depending on where and how it is placed and conditioned in the chart. Yet, the inner planets (Sun through Saturn) as they interact with Pluto's all-encompassing archetype will be the ones bearing greater responsibility in that regard.

Pluto in Aquarius

Pluto in Aquarius is a strategist and intellectual. In this manifestation, he is aware of his limitations and works around them masterfully. When the planet is evil, this can be worrying for his enemies. With aggression and intellect combined, the king of the Underworld disrupts the very systems his opposition relies on. In this light, he is extremely cunning. In this placement, he will do everything in his power to achieve social perfection. His disservice comes from the power he gains in this placement. As he continues to destroy the structures he believes are imperfect, he may accidentally shatter the cornerstones of his own glory.

Keywords: Battle tactics, systematic oppression, utilitarianism

Notable Historical Figures: Brutus de Villeroi (French Engineer), Lord Palmerston (British Prime Minister), Franz Schubert (Musician)

Most Recent Era: 1778-1798

The rise and conception of Modern Republicanism marked the last Plutonian Aquarius age. It embraced a more scientific approach to politics based on sociology and Platonic principles. This era was also when the French Revolution took place, abolishing what was at the time one of the most potent hereditary feudal governmental structures, replacing it with a constitutional monarchy. 

Other noteworthy events:

  • Joseph Priestly publishes A History of the Corruptions of Christianity
  • Mary Wollstonecraft publishes A Vindication of the Rights of Women

Pluto in Pisces

Pluto in the Jupiter ruled Pisces becomes insatiable as it seeks to expand and conquer everything in its way. The Underworld's lord's natural abilities to dig deep and uncover the darkest and most repressed emotions are intensified by the sight of the giant planet in our solar system. Since Jupiter is the Roman equivalent of Zeus, and therefore Hades' brother, there is a tinge of jealousy and comparison with the younger, yet more powerful sibling. Too much is never enough for Pluto in Pisces, and the god will go to extreme measures to prove that he also can be as glorious and powerful as Zeus. Pluto's disservice in this placement is that he tends to ignore his limitations, causing his demise in his quest to prove his power.

Keywords: Jealousy, superiority complex, pioneering

Notable Historical Figures: James Croll (Scientist), Robert Schumann (Musician), Alexandre Dumas (French Author)

Most Recent Era: 1797-1821

The Napoleonic wars marked this era with much of the greed associated with Napoleon's quest to govern all of Europe. Ironically enough, the statesman's height is a comical parallel to Pluto's size compared to his planetary sibling Jupiter. As a consequence of Napoleon's selfishness, Europe spent most of this transit at war. Moreover, in the recently independent United States, an equally dishonorable display of power abuse took place as this was the height of the slave trade. The country began its steady expansion at the cost of many African and First Nations' lives.

Other Noteworthy Events:

  • The Great Stock Exchange fraud

Pluto in Aries

Pluto in Aries can be easily irritated if external forces are hampering his plans. This transit symbolizes the need to become self-realized. These two energies combined want to be manifested at all costs, often resorting to Martian-like tactics to get what it needs. These include war, coup d'etats, and physical brutality. Hades from Disney's Hercules would be a good illustration of this manifestation of the planet, often going for what it wants without considering or caring for others' needs. Pluto's disservice in Aries is its blind determination to achieve its goals, leading to miscalculated plans and self-sabotaging behavior. It is also important to consider that some astrologers see Pluto as the ruler of Aries.

Keywords: Self-sabotage, betrayal, independence.

Notable Historical Figures: Edgar Degas (Painter), Jean Henri Fabre (Entomologist), Friedrich Nietzsche (Philosopher)

Most Recent Era: 1822-1851

The fight marked the Pluto in Aries generation for Independence of the most massive amount of countries, including but not limited to Brazil, Nicaragua, and the United Tribes of New Zealand. Additionally, in the United States, Texas was fighting for its independence during the Texan Revolution.

The Aries Plutonian era is also characterized by the second Cholera pandemic, which happened due to the Moscow Invasion of the Polish—Russian war of 1830.

Other Noteworthy Events:

  • Height of imperialism/colonialism
  • French Revolution
  • Dawn of Darwinian evolution

Pluto in Taurus

Pluto in Taurus becomes highly materialistic and attached to monetary gains. He is drunk with the idea of stepping out of the Underworld and into human matters. Hoarding is a big problem for him in the domicile of Venus, as he defines beauty as a synonym of quantity, not quality. Pluto's disservice in this sign is the interruption of the Law of Flow. Especially when it comes to monetary matters, accumulation will eventually cause the floodgates to burst. 

Keywords: Hoarding, Greed, Extortion

Notable Historical Figures: Moses Annenberg (American Businessman), Manuel L. Quezon (Former President of the Philippines), George Santayana (Philosopher)

Most Recent Era: 1852-1883

This Taurian era had finances at its central focus. As American fluctuated between the Long Depression of 1873 and the prosperous Guilded Age, the rest of the world was taking a big economic hit that would not subside for years. We can attribute these series of disasters mainly to the inadequate investment in the building of railroads. The prince of silver was also plummeting down, and the world could not keep up with it.

Other Noteworthy Events:

  • America's abolition of slavery

Pluto in Gemini

Pluto in Gemini is reactionary and investigative. In this placement, the slow-moving planet is forced to pick up speed and explore the potential of his transformative powers. When in Mercury's domicile, Pluto is full of ideas, and he achieves success by realizing them. The frigid planet receives a warmth it is not accustomed to as Mercury brings it closer to the Sun. In Gemini, Pluto comes out of the Underworld and is overjoyed upon learning that his abilities are not only the catalyst for death and disorder. This transit is proof that even the lord of the dead is capable of creating new life. Pluto's disservice in this sign is that he is easily distracted and forgets his role as the destroyer of what is unworthy, leaving the gates of the Underworld wide open for those who try to escape.

Keywords: Discovery, distractions, paradigm-shifting inventions

Notable Historical Figures: Richard Nixon (US President), Josef Mengele (German SS Officer), Cecil Beaton (Photographer)

Most Recent Era: 1884-1914

The most recent Pluto-Gemini transit birthed the Second Industrial Revolution as commercial electricity became possible. However, Pluto was not alone in this transformative moment in human history. Through conjunction with the dwarf planet, Neptune opened up the way for these ideas that would revolutionize the course of history out of the collective subconscious and into reality. William James also published his Principles of Psychology in 1890, initiating humanity to understand the brain's functions.

Other Noteworthy Events:

  • Bicycles became the craze of the epoch
  • First-wave feminism

Pluto in Cancer

Pluto in Cancer becomes flighty and emotionally charged. The relationship between this planet and the Moon—as she is the ruler of Cancer is fickle and temperamental. Here the symbol of a toxic relationship describes the perfect synthesis of these two energies. There are many similarities as both Cancer and Pluto have certain cold features, but that is not enough to counteract the corruption to the home and comfort Cancer represents caused by the Underworld's God. Pluto becomes codependent and can often abuse his power when he encounters others who are emotionally fragile. The disservice of Pluto in Cancer is that he can only usurp the "weak" for so long. Eventually, even those he abuses develop a thick skin and fight back, as no victim stays a victim forever. 

Keywords: Emotional manipulation, instability, great pain that becomes a great power

Notable Historical Figures: William Humphrey (writer), Pope Benedict XVI, Johny Carson (Television Host)

Most Recent Era: 1915-1939

This epoch was full of ups and downs as both the Roaring 20s and the Great Depression took place during this transit. As many soldiers came back from the war disfigured both physically and mentally, parties were going rampant as people celebrated the end of the first war on that scale. The war broke many families as just in America; over 4 billion citizens fought a threat that was unprecedented at the time. 

Other Noteworthy Events:

  • The discovery of Pluto

Pluto in Leo

Pluto in Leo is persistent and egotistical. Here we have the contrast between the Sun and the furthest of the leading astrological planets from it. This transit oscillates from hot to cold, and though it may resort to extreme measures to achieve success, it does so undercover to keep a good appearance. This manifestation of the planet is manipulative and self-centered. Its disservice is that, over time, false impressions are always uncovered by those who look for answers.

Keywords: Egoism, falsifications, persistence

Notable Historical Figures: Leonardo DaVinci (Artist), Louis XV of France (King), Dennis Cooper (Writer)

Most Recent Era: 1940-1957

The Plutonian Leo era took place during WW2 and the Cold War, exemplifying the two extremes of this planet's manifestation. With the dawn of the devastating Atomic Age of the second world war and the obscurity of the US-SU Cold War, we see much of the bloodshed being masked by patriotic sentiments. 

Pluto in Virgo

Under the Mercury-ruled Virgo, Pluto can do his job ten times faster. Being so far from the Sun, Pluto has to take his time before making any significant transformations. With the help of Virgo, however, he gets a boost in speed. He may still not be relatively as prosperous as Jupiter—who has quite a hard time in Virgo— but here, the sign's methodical and industrious qualities come in very handy. Virgo may just be the sign where Pluto thrives, but more research is needed.

Keywords: Accelerated healing, efficiency, service

Notable Historical Figures: Dennis Rodman (Basketball Player), Julia Zemiro (Television Host), Shiva Rea (Yoga Teacher)

Most Recent Era: 1958-1970, marked by Uranian conjunction by degree

This era gave birth to the internet as ARPANET announced the first Internet prototype. Uranus' influence could also have played a significant role in these events. The two planets were conjunct in September of 1965, also coinciding with the Second Vatican Council approving the Declaration of Religious Freedom's proposition. Moreover, the Environmentalist Movent started to gain serious attention from the media as the word "hippie" debuted in the San Francisco examiner.

Other Noteworthy Events:

  • The outlawing of racial segregation in the US

Pluto in Libra

Pluto in Libra becomes just and concerned with the needs of others. This placement is one of the more subjectively positive manifestations of the planet. In this light, he seeks to dismantle what he deems unjust. Yet, his sense of justice is emotional rather than rational. A problem he can face in this sign is that it can interfere with the natural flow of life in the pursuit of balance, consequently causing new imbalances to emerge. His disservice is that while in Libra, he believes the whole world depends on him, forgetting that the World is his genesis.

Keywords: Judgment, justice, activism

Notable Historical Figures: Christina Aguilera (Musician), George Washington (US President), John Hunter (Surgeon)

Most Recent Era: 1971-1984

In this Plutonian era, we see the rise of the Anti-War movement along with the Psychedelic Revolution. As the masses recovered from the tragedies of the Leonian era, messages of love and peace spread around the world. At this time, Uranus was also conjunct with Pluto, assisting in transforming public morals through massive activism waves. Gay Rights and Second-Wave Feminism are only a few of the many movements associated with the epoch.

The Green Revolution is another critical characteristic of the last Pluto in Libra transit. It was a needed boom in the Agriculture industry post-war. Even though the revolution helped many afflicted families access food, this is also when we implemented mass deforestation, chemical pesticides, and fertilizers into our agricultural practices.

Pluto in Scorpio

Pluto in Scorpio becomes a spiteful and judicious character. In this placement, the planet becomes aware of its enemy's motivations, and he uses it to its advantage. Under the influence of Mars, this dwarf planet tends to overcompensate to show that it's capable of fighting armies on its own despite its apparent insignificance. Othering and revenge is a dominant theme of this transit. While the Underworld's overseer is in Scorpio, sex and violence tend to be overly emphasized. Pluto's disservice in this sign is that by weaponizing taboo subjects and fully embracing darkness, he forgets that all is light. It is important to note that some astrologers view Pluto as the ruler of Scorpio. 

Keywords: Promiscuity, separation, shadow work

Notable Historical Figures: Suzuki Tatsuhisa (Voice Actor), Noah Hutton (Film Director), Justin Bieber (Musician)

Most Recent Era: 1984-1995

Chances are, most of the readers can remember the last time Pluto was in Scorpio. This transit was a distinct astrological feature of the 80s and 90s as there was a steady rise in explicit media popularity. Many marginalized groups expressed themselves while embracing a certain level of shock factor. This phenomenon was a mere reflection of society's state as sex, gender, and systematic brutality were at the forefront of the public discourse. 

Other Noteworthy Events:

  • The AIDS epidemic
  • Designer babies and gestational surrogacy become popular topics in media
  • World record-breaking natural disasters call attention to climate change

Pluto in Sagittarius

Pluto in Sagittarius is idealistic and self-righteous. In this manifestation, the philosophical tendencies of Sagittarius have a hint of indoctrination. Here he is stuck in his own way, failing to see anything outside his shallow perspective. Though his intentions may be altruistic in nature, the absence of a holistic approach to serving the greater good causes more harm than good. Censorship is a cornerstone of his tactics. The disservice of this Pluto manifestation is that he eventually is also censored by those he has indoctrinated.

Keywords: Intellectual warfare, idolatry, radicalism

Notable Historical Figures: Gerardus Mercator (Cartographer), Princess Aiko, Heinrich Bullinger (Swiss Reformer)

Most Recent Era: 1996-2008

The most recent Sagittarius Plutonian Age is marked by the Dawn of the Information Age. Internet becomes globally available, enabling access to alternate forms of education to those who cannot afford standard schooling. Additionally, this era sees weaponized religion as an impetus for political unrest as global powers manipulate people's faith.

Other Noteworthy Events:

  • 911
  • The two most populous countries (China and India) become economic superpowers

Pluto in Capricorn

In Capricorn, Pluto has to play by Saturn's rules as he becomes a powerful asset to the ringed planet's need for a stable structure. Pluto in Capricorn is a destroyer of anything that stands against Saturn's thoroughly designed systems. With the resilience imported by the dwarf planet's stay in Capricorn, he becomes stern and dry. There is a considerable disregard for emotional matters as in this light. Pluto is too concerned with reestablishing the Saturnian order. The disservice of Pluto in this sign is a tendency to become a tyrant. With Saturn's influence, he becomes much more constructive. Still, he cannot help but use the brutality he used to remodel and achieve success. 

Keywords: Controlled destruction, subordination, rebuilding

Notable Historical Figures: Georges Louis Duvernoy (Scientist), William Wordsworth (Author), Heinrich Von Kleist (Poet)

Most Recent Era: 2009-2025

This is the current Plutonian cycle we are going through as this article is being written.

As we approach the last stretch of this long and challenging transit, we begin to see what sort of barriers Pluto is currently demolishing. Especially with the Saturn conjunction that played out through all of 2020, we got to have a taste of how potent this little planet's metamorphic energies can be. Through sorrow and disconnect, we will soon begin to see such a robust transit's constructive results. 

Other Noteworthy Events:

  • Global financial crisis
  • Rise on whistleblowers like Edward Snowden, Marsha Coleman-Adebayo, and John Roberts
  • A rise in governmental distrust

The Natal Influence of Pluto

Considering Pluto has such a challenging influence on world events, the effect this planet has on our personal lives is not something that should be understated. Even though Pluto may be on the same sign for people born in the same 20-30 year span as the dwarf planet transits through the zodiac, the house it imprints its presence in our Natal Chart varies drastically. Looking at which house Pluto appears in our chart gives us an idea of areas that may pose significant challenges that, when faced fearlessly, lead to unsurmountable rewards. For example, the American Artist Keith Harring, who has Pluto on his 1st house, embodies many of the planet's transformative traits. He was an advocate for AIDS concerns at the height of the epidemic in the late 80s. The artist was responsible for raising millions of dollars for the cause by establishing the Keith Haring Foundation. However, Pluto in the 1st house can bring issues with one's physical and mental health and overall vitality. The artist's Natal Chart also features a square between Pluto and his Scorpio moon—a relatively difficult placement for our satellite. These two factors combined symbolizes the artist's own issue with the illness. Through his resilience, he pushed through these obstacles, creating a fantastic body of work marking his name in many history books and saving many lives with his humanitarian acts.

Moreover, another considerable influence of Pluto is the Pluto Square.

The planets may be in a specific position when we are born, but over time they, of course, continue to move. This movement eventually creates geometric patterns in relationship to where they originally were when we were born. These transit patterns mark significant moments in our lives. One of the most commonly debated of these transits is the Saturn Return, a term describing Saturn having made a 360 degree trip around the Natal chart and returned to its original position. The Pluto square is similar. However, the term is used to describe a 90-degree angle the planet makes to its natal place. This transit lasts on average from 1 year to 18 months and is a significant step in the soul's development. See the diagram below for an example:

The Pluto square is a time where Pluto's placement is activated. With that, the challenges the planet presents are much more upfront and become the focus of this phase of one's life. This transit usually happens as we approach mid-life and is often associated with the mid-life-crisis. It is a period of discomfort that pushes us to take our lives to the next level, as the god of the Underworld does not permit stagnance. A public example of this transit is when the singer Prince's Pluto square.

Prince's Pluto is in his 10th house, indicating that his Pluto square would focus on his career and public image. The transit happened around January of 1995 as the artist was struggling to release his album Golden Experience. Warner Bros. proved to be a significant hurdle for the artists since they did not consider the album would sell well. After much distress, the album was released and was classified as the top 10 albums of the year. Following the album's release, the artist's career would take off at an unprecedented rate. Curiously, this is also when the artist changed his name to the infamous Love Symbol (Ƭ̵̬̊). 

Pluto and the Tree of Life

Taking a look at Pluto through the lens of the Kabbalah provides us with a clearer understanding of the planet's more profound nature. In the tree of life, Pluto is related to the sphere of Daath, the doorway to the collective consciousness and higher knowledge. An anonymous Gnostic Instructor describes the sphere as such:

"[Daath] is a kind of special knowledge that is unique to the consciousness. It is not related to the intellect. It is not related to belief. It is not in the form of thoughts, words, ideas, concepts, theories, dogmas, books, etc. Rather, it is a kind of conscious knowledge related to the soul, that has to be put into practice so that this special, internal knowledge can grow and build upon itself, and elaborate the creation of the soul."

In this description, we see the nobility that Pluto can demonstrate. Yet, it is somewhat difficult to see this through the events the planet can bring upon us. What we experience as subjectively "bad" in the 3D realm bears no meaning to Pluto. Here we see that his only goal is knowledge and evolution. The absence of the concept of "good and evil" in the realm of pure experience drives him to extreme measures as we perceive it. Suppose we live our lives with the understanding that even crisis and disorder are a means for the Universe to display its supreme perfection. In that case, we can embody the wisdom of Pluto to see beyond duality and separation. When we get to that awakened state of seeing the All for what it is, everything becomes a blessing.


Pluto is not the easiest planet to understand since, at its core, it represents the unseeable and unknowable. Our lack of understanding often drives us to experience this planet's effects on our lives as undesirable. Still, no other planet can purge unnecessary and broken beliefs and traumas like he does. He is proof that often what is the hardest to comprehend also provides the highest level of grace. Pain and suffering can be one of the wisest teachers.


  15. Mythology by Edith Hamilton pg. 24-26, pg. 39-40
  16. The Only Astrology Book You Will Ever Need pg.283-284
  17. Healing Pluto Problems by Donna Cunningham pg. 4-25 
  18. A Tiny Universe by Joy Usher pg.185-241
  19. Timelines of World History by John B. Teeple

 About the author: Joe G. Santos

Writer, Thinker, and Visionary. Through writing, I aim to clarify the most pressing questions about human behavior and world issues, pointing to practical resolutions in an entertaining and accessible manner. You can find my work and contact me at

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