Tips To Practice A Lifestyle Of Resilience 

How resilient are you? Resilient strength is your ability to bounce back from the challenges and difficulties that life throws your way. It spells the difference between handling pressure and losing your cool. 

The road to resilience is never easy, but it is a path you will want to take. Because resilient people maintain a positive outlook in life, they can cope with the challenges of life more effectively. 

It is not about not having stress and negativity in life. Instead, resilience teaches you the value of standing up even when everyone else wishes you to fall. 

Can Resilience Be Learned?

Perhaps the first thing you have thought of was how people learn to become resilient. Is it something that can be taught and learned? Or is it innate in some people and not found in others?

If you feel like you are not resilient enough, you may begin to wonder if it is something that can be learned. You wish it is, and you are lucky. Resilience may be innate to some, but such behaviors can be learned, too. 

However, it can be quite a challenge to be resilient when going through a rough time in your life, but it will remind you that this is not the end of the road. In truth, this may just be the beginning and that the hardship should teach you strength for the next one that's coming your way. 

You need to be tougher for the next things to come. You can foster your own resilience, but you have to want it badly to make it happen. 

Top Tips To Help You Learn A Lifestyle Of Resilience

Resilience is a state of mind you can achieve if you want to. Here are some tips to help you incorporate it in your life:

Tip 1: Find a sense of purpose

What is your life good for? What does it mean to continually live in this lifetime? Positive resilience is all about knowing what your purpose is in life. 

Never think that it is about earning money and making a living. Your life is worth more than just that. You know that you can do more with your life if you want to. While finding your purpose may be a bit challenging, it is something worth aspiring for. 

When something terrible happens, like a loved one's death, you begin to ask yourself what your life is good for. In the face of tragedy, learning what your role is in life can lead you to full recovery. This means getting out there and becoming involved in the community.

Cultivate your spirituality by participating in activities that are meaningful to you. Finding that sense of purpose will improve your life in so many ways, making it possible to achieve what you thought of as impossible. 

You can move on from the trauma while helping make the world a better place. 

Tip 2: Believe that you can

How much confidence do you have in yourself? Having high confidence in yourself is one of the things that will make you cope beautifully with life's struggles. It plays a vital role in building resilience too.

Your ability to respond to a crisis depends a lot on how confident you are of yourself. Whenever there are negative comments in your heads, train yourself to replace them with positive ones. When in doubt of your ability to assist your child in his schoolwork, replace the thought with something positive like, "I can do this!".

Your self-esteem plays a huge role in the progress of your recovery from stress, trauma, and other negative events in your life. Remind yourself of your accomplishments and your strengths to enable yourself to see through the negative aspects of life. 

Tip 3: Find your circle of strength

Who do you run to when you need someone to talk to? While being strong alone is a good ability, it helps to have your circle; you can run to and confide in. Having caring people around you is not just about finding comfort, but they could also serve as your protection during the time of crisis in your life. 

Talking to someone about how you feel relieves you from the tension. They may not be able to make the troubles go away, but they definitely make sure that you don't feel alone in times of need. They will remind you that you can get support if you need it. 

Who knows if you trust them, they might just come back to you with a solution to your problems. When you trust them and the process, you are putting yourself in the position where you will comfort them with just the thought that you have your circle with you. 

Tip 4: Keep your arms open for change

Resilience describes your ability to flex yourself in certain situations. Your flexibility defines your ability to be adaptable to situations. You are better off responding to the problematic situations in life when you have trained yourself to be flexible to fit the circumstance.

Resilient people often find themselves in difficult situations, but instead of focusing on the difficulty, they choose to look at it as an opportunity for growth. They branch themselves out to learn a thing or two about life.

While some people easily get crushed when something bad happens to them, your resilience will make you thrive. When others have given up, you will be the last one standing, thinking about what good can come out of a bad situation. 

What's Your Takeaway?

Resilience takes time to build and develop. So whenever you feel like giving up, because nothing seems to work, push yourself to try harder. Do not get easily discouraged when things do not go your way. 

Remember that resilience varies from person to person. Some may be able to move on fast, while others take time to heal. Focus on practicing your skills, and in the end, you will benefit a whole lot from it. 

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In late 2019, Spirit Science launched  a one-of-a-kind educational platform ~ Spirit Mysteries ~ as an online space for self-mastery. It has grown rapidly, and now contains hundreds of hours of courses and thousands of students from across the world. 

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