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Your Body's Sacred Equation: Water + Earth = Worth

The first Wisdom Moon Ceremony of 2022 was truly a miracle to behold… To catch up with the current energies, watch the Astrology Forecast here:


There’s a LOT of heavy energy both in the heavens and on Earth right now…

And so if you’re feeling super-sensitive, here are some potential reasons why…

  • You’re doing The Work. Not “work” like a 9-5, or working out… No, I’m talking about the Real, Spiritual, Visceral Work that happens whether we know it or not. Take a moment to acknowledge that, and give yourself a big hug… This life is not easy, and you can validate that for yourself.

  • Pluto is giving us a run for our money lately, especially this week… Any time there’s a Pluto transit, it’s a lot like taking a trip to the underworld… Scary as all hell (pun intended), but worth it - because we return to our realm wiser and more compassionate than ever before.

  • ...
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Written by Jamie Fall

Are we still allowed to wonder? When I was young, I used to wonder about everything. I think most kids did. I would ask questions about how the world works. Sometimes I wanted to know the answer, but other times I think I just enjoyed the mystery of thinking about the many possibilities. For me, wondering was a form of creativity. I can fill in the possibilities for patterns we find in life, or mysteries in physics, or animals or people's behavior. Often it inspires further research, but sometimes it was just about wondering.

As we grow older, I think we are not so encouraged to wonder. We learn that science seems to have an answer for most things, and most of those creative possibilities you imagined are actually wrong. You can learn a lot from science, but sometimes I miss just wondering freely. 

Wondering As A Form Of Meditation 

Lately, I've enjoyed getting in touch with my curiosity again by going for walks in nature and allowing myself to wonder...

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When You Experience Creative Block

Are you a creative person? Do you work with paints, photos, or a pen? Some people find joy and inspiration in art, and you love that you can provide that. 

Even though you love being creative, suffering through creative blocks can be difficult. While some experts say that experiencing a creative block is normal, how do you deal with it? 

Acknowledging that you are experiencing a creative block is one of the first steps to actually dealing with it. From idea generation to even putting the idea on paper, a person suffering from a creative block will find it challenging to tap into their creativity

How Do You Keep Your Creativity Alive?

Reliving your romance with your creative side should always take priority. You should engage in creative thinking activities that will keep your mind active, whether it is for work or play. 

Dealing with a creative block is a serious concern. You have to work hard to keep the creative juices flowing. Here are...

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How To Activate Your Intuition With Tarot


How intuitive are you? This may be a shocking question to receive, not because you think you are not an intuitive person. Instead, it may catch you by surprise because you never really give your intuitive talents any serious thought.

Intuition is your gut feeling. It is that old and wise part of yourself that connects you to the invisible spirits and energies all around you. Sometimes, if you’re lucky, your intuition will hint at what’s going to happen before it occurs.

What Makes Intuition Different From Your Intellect?

Your intellect gives you the capacity to see things as they are. Your mind interprets the information you are getting and turns them into messages. Your intellect is in charge of your daily rational and irrational decisions.

Your intuition, on the other hand, describes what your senses feel. It is in charge of interpreting what the energies around you are trying to say. It highlights the message from these energies and turns them into...

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A Guide To Letting Go Of Control 

Do you feel like you're always in fight or flight mode? Perhaps you quickly get anxious or angry when things don't go the way you thought they would. Getting out of this negative mindset requires you to let go of the need to always be in control. More than likely, your control issues have been less helpful for you than you initially thought. 

If there is one thing that you should know about life is that nothing is predictable. Even when you do your best to improve your circumstances and prepare for the worst, things can always turn out differently. This fact of life is why it is best to let go of being in control of everything. You must accept that life comes with its own set of uncertainties. After all, whether you acknowledge it or not, your excessive need for control only gives you unproductive stress. Perhaps it has even pushed you towards procrastination of your responsibilities.

The Importance Of Letting Go

When you have a fear of losing control, you...

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Discover How You Can Be Your Own Guru

When you have questions about love and life, who do you run to? Is there a person you trust with how you feel? Does this person have all the answers that you seek to find for yourself? If you have a spiritual guru who tells you exactly what you need to hear, you are lucky. 

Most people spend their time on Google trying to find answers to their life’s biggest questions when they should be turning to themselves.

Learning More About The Self

People often go to their life guru whenever there is something they need to know about themselves. Most of the time, this happens when an important decision needs to be made. Who do you turn to when it feels like something about your life you don’t understand? 

You seek the wisdom of a teacher or a life expert who you think has insights about life. They are the people you believe will be able to help you understand yourself. You think that they know you more than you know yourself. 

But is this true?...

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Powerful Tips To A Spiritual Awakening

Everyone who pursues a spiritual awakening hopes it will bring positive change in their lives. While spiritual learning often happens to people after they experience a traumatic event, there are other ways such an awakening could happen. Why would you wish to go through a rough patch just to strengthen your spirituality?

Deep spirituality is something that you grow inside of you. It should be incorporated into your lifestyle. Your spirituality is a part of who you are as a person. When you seek to improve your spirituality, you seek how to be a better person for yourself and others. 

Learning how to have a spiritual awakening is the first step to making things happen. You can connect with your spirituality from deep within to help awaken the lessons you need to learn about life. The best part of it is that you can do this repeatedly throughout this lifetime in the comfort of your own home. 

How To Achieve A Spiritual Awakening

How do you set...

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How To Find Your Animal Spirit Guides

Do you believe in power animals? They say every person has his own spirit animal. Your animal spirit guide serves as the teacher or messenger who provides you with an extra layer of protection in this lifetime. 

Your spirit animal also serves as your guide to help you make the right choices in life. Their role is to provide inspiration and comfort, especially at times of confusion. They also send important messages to you during times of need. 

If you google “my soul animal,” or something to that effect, you’ll find several silly quizzes that may or may not be accurate. What you should really do is draw your attention to the different aspects of your being and examine them closely.

What do you think is your spirit animal?

What Role Does My Spirit Animal Play In My Life?

Perhaps how to call your spirit animal is the least of your worries at this time. This may be the first time you have a heart of spiritual animal signs, and you are...

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Four Powerful Self-Loving Mantras

How do you spend most of your time? Do you spend it at work doing what others expect of you? Do you spend as much time with your family? The truth is that you spend most of your time doing neither of these. 

Technically, you spend most of your time with yourself. This is why life mantras are essential because they help you keep yourself together, especially during trying times. And because you are the source of love and light for yourself, you have to be very careful about the words and the tone you use when speaking to yourself. 

Your internal dialogue should speak of affirmations for self-love. You cannot be telling yourself you cannot do something and still expect it to have the same effect. What you tell yourself after a disappointment should embody affirmations for confidence

Words have power, and that's why you should carefully consider every word you use. The language you use when speaking to yourself is a reflection of how you feel...

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How Inner Peace Can Bring World Peace

Everyone wishes for world peace. It has become such a familiar answer in beauty pageants that people laugh at the thought of it. But did you know that finding world peace is dependent on your ability to find inner peace?

If the world's serenity rests in your hands, do you think you will be able to contribute to achieving it? It is fairly easy for people to talk about finding inner peace. Many people use the term loosely as if it were interchangeable with spiritual peace

But there is something more to it that every person needs to understand. 

Why Are Some People Not At Peace?

If you find yourself in these situations, will you be able to keep your inner peace?

  • Someone cuts you while you are driving your way to work, almost colliding with your car.
  • When your boss keeps adding to your workload with deadlines shorter than the last.
  • When your special someone cheats on you.
  • When your in-laws go out of their way to make your married life a living hell.
  • When your...
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