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Chakra Colors And Meanings: A Beginner's Guide

articles energy updates Jul 09, 2020

There are seven chakras: Muladhara, Svadisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddi, and Ajna. Each chakra correlates to a specific location on your body, starting from your coccyx, to just below your navel, above your navel (your belly), your heart, your throat, and the top of your head (your crown). 

What Is A Chakra?

Many cultures believe that energy travels through the body, similar to how our blood flows. This energy moves much like the wind, or a stream, and is continuously in flux. 

A chakra is an energy center or a point in the body where life-energy tends to form and gather. In Hinduism, this energy is called Prana, and in traditional Chinese culture, Qui. 

Balance vs. Imbalance

Balanced chakras can be a source of some of our most noble feelings, and allow us to express our Higher Self.

Imbalanced chakras can cause excess fear, anger, confusion, chronic pain, and even a loss of self. This happens when a chakra is wounded (your heart, for example). An imbalance can...

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Appreciating Every Moment Of Your Life

When was the last time you stopped to admire the beauty of and smell of the flowers? When was the last time you allowed yourself to stop and appreciate life as it happened to you? 

People say that gratitude exercises help you see life from a different perspective. Although life can sometimes give you lemons, it also provides opportunities to turn them into lemonade. 

It takes a lot of courage to see beyond the challenges and worries that come your way. It is not like you can be positive all day every day. Sometimes, the problems can bring you down so low that you feel like you will never resurface. They can even shake your sense of self, making you wonder why these things happened to you. 

Gratitude and appreciation, however, are innate parts of human nature. It is the part of our being that makes us see the light. It allows us to turn not-so-good experiences into learning milestones. 

There may be times when life’s challenges become...

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What To Do When You Feel You Are Nothing

How often do we allow ourselves to wallow in the thought that we’re worthless? If you’re feeling stressed and depressed about your current situation, then know that you have the power to change it. You may not be able to change your circumstances immediately, but you can change your attitude about your situation. Feeling low at the thought that you’re nothing is something that you can conquer. You can fight it. 

Ways To Overcome The Feeling Of Worthlessness

Whenever you’re feeling sad for no reason, you know deep inside that there was something that triggered it. Was it your friend’s social media post showing off their latest luxurious escapade? Did you hear the news about your colleague at work getting a promotion? Was it seeing your neighbor drive around with their new car? There’s always something that can cause that feeling of worthlessness, and mostly it’s because we can’t help but compare ourselves to other...

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One Critical Key To Believing In Yourself

Sometimes the difference between people who succeed and those who don’t is very simple—how much they believe in themselves. Have you ever thought of how much your self-esteem and self-confidence can make a difference in your life? 

Take a minute and think about it. If you don’t believe that you can do something, you won’t put as much effort into doing it. Without your all-out effort, your chances of successfully achieving what you want are significantly reduced. 

More importantly, if you need help from other people to achieve your goals, then you should be able to convince them that you can do it. Believing in yourself is the first step to making others believe in you too. 

Every successful goal you achieve will have one thing in common: you believed in yourself first. 

Why Is It Important To Believe In Yourself?

A strong sense of self-confidence can may you reap a number of its benefits. It is a must...

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How To Reduce Stress When You Are Busy

Everyone has been there: a big project comes up, and many things need to be done. Every task seems as urgent as everything else. It requires everyone in the office to help. Every other task has taken a back seat. 

All of a sudden, it feels like everything in your life needs to take the back seat. Work has to be a priority at this time, and you can’t do anything about it. Your personal life takes a huge hit. You begin to spend more time at work, clocking in more hours than you used to. 

When you retire at night, it still feels like you haven’t done a lot. The list of things to do still seems to go on and on. Before you know it, you forget about everything else and put all your focus on work. 

When was the last time you took a break? You can’t remember because weeks have passed since you last relaxed. Whenever you ask yourself about work-life balance, you only end up asking yourself what that even means.

How Stress Hurts You

All these stressful...

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Stop Expecting People To Be A Certain Way

When you set expectations for other people, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. One of the biggest sources of difficulties for people is their strong desire for things to be a certain way. 

Expecting too much from others may not only disappoint you but may put too much pressure on your friends and family. You know you can't help it. You have this idea of how you want the world to be. Unfortunately, reality has its own ideas. It always comes with a different plan. This plan may not ever meet people's idea of what is perfect, but it does open the door to many possibilities. 

Yes, the world would be a better place if everyone did what they were supposed to do or what was morally right, but that's not always the case. And it's okay for people to recognize the negative things that are happening. It helps them keep their grounding. 

Yes, it would be great if your toddler would behave herself while you are talking to a client. But...

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Tips To Be Prepared For Anything In Life (Building Resilience)

How do you teach yourself to always be prepared? No matter how bad the experience may be, there is still more that can go wrong. 

While everyone wishes they could predict the future, the only thing anyone can do is prepare for it. As the famous saying goes, it is best to be prepared for the worst. That way, when the best things happen, at least you’re taken by a positive surprise. 

While preparation for life is something that people busy themselves with, you should also try not to miss out on the good times. The fear of tomorrow will not take you anywhere. It will only make you anxious about the next step.

Even if you prepared for the worst, do not forget to stop and take a deep breath. 

Life is about living. It is not about worrying about what the future may bring. 

It is more about striking the right balance between being ready for anything and living in the moment. 

Let Go And Let Live 

The uncertainty of the future...

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Finding Motivation After A Mental Vacation

articles energy updates Jun 20, 2020

It has been more than a week since you returned from your vacation, and you must admit that finding motivation to get back to work is just tricky. You’ve been able to relax and recharge, but you’re not ready yet to get back to the reality of the day-to-day grind.

Some say that it may be a case of post-travel depression. It is when you need to get yourself back to reality, but your mind refuses to. While you may have done a bit of work while on vacation, you spent most of your days having fun and relaxing. 

And while it was nice to have gone on vacation, it only made coming back to work more daunting. 

You love your job, and there is no doubt about that. However, losing that motivation to get back on your feet and get yourself working is not just inconvenient; it is an issue that needs to be dealt with seriously.  

How does losing your motivation harm you? You lose the potential to earn money, but you also lose the chance to...

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Appreciating The Power Of Delay

All the great things in life do not come easy. They take a lot of time, effort, and dedication. But everyone has a picture of what they want inside their heads. They set a timeline for themselves to achieve it. They challenge themselves to strive harder and to do better. 

They fantasize about the results and remain hopeful that the end results will bring them the happiness they've always wanted. 

But when things don't seem to meet your expectations, you start to feel frustrated. You begin to wish that things would go by as quickly as possible. 

Everything seems to follow a time delay relay

For example, when you are not in a relationship, you want to find your forever partner even more desperately. If you are working on building a career or business, you want it to take off to achieve success in a matter of months. You always expect good results without putting in the time.

What To Learn From Delays?

But what if success doesn't happen right away? What if you...

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3 Things You Must Know For The June 21st Weekend's Summer Solstice & Solar Eclipse


This Summer Solstice is a special gateway because it combines the Summer Solstice with a Solar Eclipse! In this article, I'm going to be sharing three major points for you to understand the overview of the energies at hand that will be happening at this time in history so that you can have a quick, easy way of utilizing the different energies that will be streaming into the planet. 

Number 1: The Summer Solstice Is A Powerful Gateway! 

First and foremost, you need to understand that the ancients understood that the solstices and the equinoxes were very important portals and gateways into the other realms. They saw these astronomical configurations as a time when "the veils would thin" in reality. 

Maybe you have heard that phrase before, "veils thinning," but what does that mean? 

What that means is that our mind's regular habits and patterns are interrupted during these gateways. This is because, during these potent portals, our planet's usual vibrations...

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