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Freeing Yourself From Unrealistic Expectations

How do you react to surprises? Can you imagine yourself stepping inside a room full of expectations only to find out that things will turn out not as how you expected them to be? Sometimes, it can be frustrating to set expectations to determine that things didn't work out as planned. 

Think about the last time you got upset. Did it involve something or someone not being able to follow through? Setting positive expectations for yourself is one of the best things that could help you push yourself further. But when your expectations are not met, your emotional reaction to the situation could overwhelm you with feelings of negativity. Your disappointment eats you up and makes you say and do things that you don't mean. 

People are naturally wired to have expectations, but there is always something you can do to change this mindset. If you can teach yourself how to lower expectations, you will be able to live a much happier life. 

How Do You Manage...

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How To Be Prepared For A Psychic Reading

articles lifestyle Dec 13, 2020

Are you going to a psychic reading for the first time? The thought of it can be quite intimidating. Perhaps those feelings of uncertainty come from the fact that you don’t know what you’re going to get. 

And then there is the aspect of psychic reading that makes you wonder how you’re supposed to react to them. You are not alone with this feeling. Many people who are going to the psychic for the first time feel nervous.   

But is it something you should just forego? Will it be better now to consult a psychic or have spiritual readings instead?

Why You Should Go For A Psychic Reading

If you are still deciding whether you should talk to a psychic or not, then perhaps this is what you need to know. There is no denying that you lose nothing when you ask a psychic to do a reading of the cards for you. 

In the experience, you gain everything. Speaking with a spiritual advisor can genuinely change your life for the...

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Coffee: Friend Or Foe?

Written by Joe G. Santos

In a perfect world, our bodies would exude energy as soon as we open our eyes in the morning. Starting our day that way would be a sure-fire way to guarantee that all our daily goals are accomplished by the end of the night. Still, much to our disappointment, this is not how most of our days go. In the hope of achieving that, modern society has turned to a daily cup (or cups) of coffee. This magical "bean juice" has become a staple of our world's diet. But as people have rightfully become more cautious of what goes into their body, questions about coffee's possible health benefits and drawbacks have risen.

When it comes to nutrition, it can be challenging to answer questions about certain foods' health impacts due to how drastically the human body varies from person to person. With that in mind, the most important thing to consider when researching whether a particular food is good or bad for you is to closely monitor the relationship you have with the food...

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Tips To Manifest A Great Year

The coming of the new year always brings about the feeling of a fresh start or a clean slate. It is when you can perform a self-manifestation of what you want the new year ahead to be like. 

You can set new goals and start talking about all the things you wish to achieve. With every fresh new mindset, you allow yourself to clarify your desires and focus on your goals.

But how do you do it? Meditation for manifestation proves to be one of the most effective ways to get what you want. The power of manifestation works in your life by allowing you to work on the things you have a strong desire to pursue.

After all, you are in control of your life. No one could honestly tell you what you should and should not do. But how do you manifest effectively? Keep reading below to get started.

Tip 1: Release And Eliminate

All your negative emotions reflect your mood, approach, and attitude towards life. The bad feelings you have towards other people and the...

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Powerful Tips To Feed Your Spirit 

Whenever people talk about nourishment, the first thing they think about is food. Indeed, there is nothing more that the body needs than good and healthy food. A healthy diet is one of the best ways you can protect your energy

Yet, even while having plenty of veggies and fruits in your life, does it feel like you are complete?

Or is there a part of you that feels like you are missing out on something? Perhaps the most critical question to ask yourself is this: does food satisfy my hunger for a good life?

Why Do You Need To Feed Your Spirit?

Every holistic health enthusiast will tell you that eating healthy foods won't be enough to feed you. There is the aspect of spiritual wellness that you need to consider too. True health, after all, is more than just the healthy status of your physical body. 

In truth, the food that you eat only comes second to the effect of experiences and excitement in your life. It is your spirit that truly needs the boost of energy...

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Four Powerful Healing Mantras

Do you know that your body creates a kind of vibration? The sound that your body produces and the movements you make, produce a certain type of beat. This sound connects you to the rest of the world. 

Everything in the Universe creates a certain kind and level of vibration, including the words people speak. For centuries, people have used vibrations to help find inner healing. While words are often used for prayer, the more profound truth is that they can be used to share a story that speaks of the deeper truth. 

Another way that words can be influential is when they are used as healing mantras. The mantras for healing diseases can be short phrases that carry a powerful healing vibration. Most of the time, they are words that send out positive messages to transform people’s perspective of things and situations. 

What Healing Mantras Should You Know?

What’s your favorite healing mantra? There are so many mantras to choose from, but not all of them...

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Steps To Connect To Your Divine Self

What does the phrase "higher self" mean? Do you believe that a part of you resides in the ether or the non-physical realm? Whatever you think about your spirit says a lot about how you view life.

Your divine connection is the spark of life and spirit that is inside you. It is the part of you that remains indescribable, but it is there. It helps you keep track of what your purpose is in life. Your divine self is also the one responsible for driving your passions. 

Is your higher self the same as your soul? Yes, it is. It is a window that gives you access to wisdom that has been amassed over the several lifetimes you have lived. It is where the past, present, and future learnings are collected to serve as your guide in living a fruitful life. 

What Does Your Divine Self Do?

Your higher self serves as your divine connection. It is the background consciousness that offers you the wisdom and directions to lead you to where you should be in this lifetime. Your divine...

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What Can We Learn From Saturn?

articles astrology Dec 10, 2020

Written by Joe G. Santos

We can run away from many things in life, but being and doing is not one of them. A substantial part of life revolves around work and repetition, and to simply exist means that you are caught in the middle of this never-ending systematic dance. However, that is not to say that work and routine cannot be enjoyable. Whether we are grateful or spiteful of this labor is only a matter of perspective. This flow of life is much exemplified in the myth Sisyphus from Greek mythology. This man's entire life consisted of pushing a massive boulder up and down a hill every day, never stopping. Still, to make sense of this apparent laborious misery, Sisyphus must find ways to come to terms with his inevitable fate. Every day he learns new ways of pushing the boulder, making it more comfortable with every new track up and down the hill. In astrology, the planet Saturn speaks of these unavoidable tasks and the systems...

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Finding Your Dream Partner Through Tarot

How do people find the love of their lives? How do they know they have found the one for them? Whenever you look at a loving and happy couple, you can't help but wonder how they did it. When will you ever find your true love?

If you are single and are not dating anyone, the struggle to find true love can be real. It feels like finding someone you can truly connect with is impossible. If you have gone on several dates and nothing is working, you might want to consider asking the tarot for some help. 

Doing a daily love tarot is one of the many ways to help you find love that will last. When relationships seem to fizzle out, you become even more desperate to look into romance tarot, hoping it could lead you to find true love. 

Can Your Tarot Cards Help You Find Love?

Did you know that tarot cards have been used for centuries to help people through the complexities of their romantic relationships? When it comes to matters of the heart, every tarot card reader...

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Manage Your Money Mindfully

articles money Dec 09, 2020

How do you take care of your finances? While self-care is an important aspect of living a good life, a considerable part of it depends on how you earn and spend your money. Mindful living also includes your ability to control your spending to ensure that you are using your financial resources properly. 

What is your short term plan for your finances? Do you have a long-term plan too? Your response to the financial stressors in your life will determine your financial stability in the long run. 

How do you know if you are handling your finances well? You have to imagine yourself on the verge of unemployment. Do you have enough savings to help you survive until you get a new job? Or will you need the help of family and friends to get by? 

Your finances can cause a tremendous amount of stress in your life. That’s why you have to learn about mindfulness management to help you handle your money well whenever you can. 

How Do You Manage Your...

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