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How to Form a New Habit, Effortlessly

Changing your behavior always brings about the hope that things will be better. Choosing to build positive habits is always a good start. But then again, building on a new practice is often the most challenging step to take. 

The formation of new habits opens your mind to new perspectives, but it also presents itself as a challenge. Knowing that you need to instill new, better habits is always a good start. But implementing these changes is another challenge on its own. 

The familiar challenge people are facing is the beginning of building that new habit. It's too hard to do. You look for motivation to go through it, but then it's never enough. Soon, motivation fades. 

You tell yourself you need to focus, but willpower alone won't be enough to see you through too. There will be times when you are tired, and you'd be feeling weak. 

Then the question is, how do you build a good habit?

The best way to build a good habit is by telling yourself you...

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Practice Productivity by Getting More Stuff Done

How good are you at getting things done? While productivity and efficiency are not the keys to a happy life, they help you overcome anxiety and provide you with money so you can buy the things to live. Although money does not have to be the focus, it teaches you how to think clearly and balance your needs and wants. While finishing a task comes with lots of benefits, sometimes it is easier said than done. 

Here are some benefits you can reap when you finish your tasks efficiently and effectively: 

  •  You accomplish more projects. 
  •  You gain more self-confidence.
  •  You learn how to waste less time. 
  •  You spend less time procrastinating.
  •  You become more trustworthy.
  •  You start earning more. 
  •  You may find an opportunity to start your own business.

The list of positive things that can happen when you get more stuff done goes on and on. When you see the benefits, you want to get even more things...

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5 Things You Should Know About The SUPER Full Moon (May 7th, 2020)

articles energy updates May 04, 2020

We are currently in the middle of the most significant energetic gateway in history.

A channeler I am fond of, Bashar… puts it like this…

“The trains are leaving the station.”

What he means by that is that up until now planet Earth has been a huge melting pot of vibrations.


There are saints and sages all the way down to the line to extremely unconscious “low vibrational” murderous sociopaths… and everything in between.


Until now, we have all agreed to this shared reality where we can easily co-mingle.

The 5D energies are now building up to a point however where we will see these trains… these different vibrations… leave the station and splinter off into their own realities.


At this time many are finding themselves at a fork in the road.

On one hand, you may feel pulled in a NEW but scary direction. There may be something your heart and intuition is trying to get you to do, that seems awesome! - but...

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First Trip to a Crystal Store...

The healing power of Crystals - When you have a crystal for everything

Well, there’s amethyst which is known for its stress-relieving properties and balancing of the crown chakra, there is Citrine which is suitable for brain function including creativity and self-expression, not to mention a wealth generator, there is Fluorite for concentration and decision making, carnelian which helps with motivation, vitality, and self-perception, tigers eye - a good source of protection, confidence, and luck. Rose quartz for the heart chakra helping with love peace compassion and feminine energies, there’s also labradorite which is excellent if you are into the whole raising your consciousness thing.

So I usually tell people to pick out the crystals that will improve their current problems in life.

Anywho there’s jasper for balance and stability, moonstone for new beginnings and helping you connect to your intuition and female energy, there is rhodonite to balance emotions...

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3 Things You Should Know About The NEW Moon (April 22nd, 2020)

articles energy updates Apr 21, 2020

The New Moon happening on April 22nd is bringing a very “welcomed” energy…

Many of us are finally beginning to step out of the shadows… and stand tall in our own power and light.

These past couple of months have brought about many unique challenges, and there’s not a person on planet Earth that hasn’t been affected in some way.


However, the lightworkers… I .e…. YOU… have a special way of dealing with “problems.”

People like you are wired to learn, grow, and benefit greatly from challenges, “unfair” circumstances, and any other obstacle.

There’s always a silver lining… always a hidden blessing inherent within everything that unfolds in our lives… especially challenges!

So, as you have grown so much over the last couple of months, you’ll finally begin to see the results and the changes in your character… your level of faith… and your overall confidence...

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What a Spiritual Awakening Really Looks Like?

articles energy updates Apr 10, 2020

Here's the basic idea.  An awakening can be seen as more of your self coming into your awareness. When this happens, "stuff" gets pushed up to the surface to be looked at, integrated, and the resistance released.  This is the nature of this article.

The cause of resistance for many people’s experience with going through a spiritual awakening is either 1) lack of awareness that it is happening or 2) lack of acceptance to what it looks like (i.e., expectations).

The perception that the "spiritual" is something that is "out there" is very confusing. Yes, there are elements of the spiritual self that are invisible to the eye - this is nonphysical. This is where ideas are tangible, where you, as an idea, exist. We tend to believe that something that cannot be seen is not "here." If it is not "here," then it is somewhere "out there." This is logical, although it is flawed logic based on the premise that only that which can be observed is real, or "here."  Another...

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Saturn's Beta-Test

articles energy updates Apr 09, 2020

Saturn has arrived to Aquarius!

Amidst the panicked swarm of our parallel crises of the global pandemic and total economic collapse, he has begun to run his beta-test.

William Gibson, the science fiction writer, and futurist, puts it well when he says, “...the future is already here. It is just not very evenly distributed.” There are still millions of people on the planet that have yet to be hit by the reality of what is happening. But they will. We all will. With Saturn moving on from the Boneyard, we are going to get a sneak preview of what's to come over the next few years.

Aquarius, a Saturn ruled sign, conjures images of humanity, technology, and innovation first in our imagination, yet it also relates to all the nuanced nodes in a network that connects us all together. Think: the Internet. Many worries it won't be able to handle the overload due to our boredom, but only Saturn knows; Think: Airplanes. Many worry that the airlines are going under and we won't be...

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How to Lead With The Heart

articles energy updates Apr 08, 2020

The first part of you is your perspective. Your decisions that you make are based upon the view that you choose to take. Leading with the heart is the idea of perceiving things as the soul perceives things - from a unified perspective.

The problem is the idea that we must lead with our mind to be "rational," and that we have associated the concept of perceiving things in a unified sense as ungrounded or idealistic or irrational. This is the perspective of not having experienced viewing items from the heart's perspective and not having made critical decisions with that perspective being the dominating perspective.

The solution is to allow the mind to relax into it's the more comfortable role of observing and reacting - not projecting out expected values without regard for the more easeful and many times unseen route.

Neurologically speaking, your heart is your brain as much as your mind is your brain.

As the central organ in your physical body, the heart is the FIRST organ that...

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Sound Like You Know What You Are Talking About

articles energy updates Apr 08, 2020

Sounding like you know what you are talking about is as easy as admitting when you don't know what you're talking about.

We tend to "pretend" because we are afraid of what someone else thinks. It's important to realize that we are ALWAYS playing a role; we are always performing a character. The more that we judge ourselves because of the nature of the character we are playing at that time, the more inauthentic we feel.

The solution is to accept that we are always performing a role, and as you bring more of yourself into that role, the more you will sound (and look) like you know what you are talking about.

Get into your character

Boom. Wake up. You're in a simulated reality, right now. You've got an avatar, and you can express that avatar however you'd like. Some things feel better than others, and you'll use that feeling to determine better what that character evolves into.

This is not far from the truth.

Where we see resistance in ourselves is when we feel like what we are...

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3 Things You Should Know About The SUPER Full Moon (April 7th, 2020)

This SUPER Full Moon is giving us exactly what we need at this time.


Ever after that one sentence, I know many of you are feeling skeptical lol.


"Vic, are you living under a rock brother?


Have you been watching what's going on?"


There's a great book I just finished reading called "The Go-Giver."


One of the main characters, Pindar, would always say…


"Looks can be deceiving… and most of the time… they are."


A couple of years ago, I took my family to this nature preserve in Las Vegas.


There was a nice little stream, lush vegetation (rare for Las Vegas), and a beautiful assortment of colorful flowers.


 As my family and I were riding our bikes along the path, we noticed an area that didn't look so good.


 In fact, you could easily tell there had been a fire, and most of the trees and plants in this particular area were black and dead.


There was a sign, however, that stated…


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