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Libra's Declassified School-of-Life Survival Guide

Balance the Scales

Last month, we learned that purity isn’t just a priority, but a natural state of being.

This authentic state is always accessible to us, but can be difficult to acknowledge when we’re cluttered with energetic baggage. Our consciousness can become diluted (and deluded) when our energy flow is blocked.

This month, we continue our cosmic lesson with Libra, the cardinal air sign of beauty and justice, who teaches us how to maintain inner balance.

It’s no coincidence that Spirit has asked me to write this article during a very topsy-turvy week of transformation. Honestly, ever since Jordan and I crossed the border in transit to our new home, I’ve been riddled with massive mood swings, mystic meltdowns, and a serious lack of motivation. Energetically, I'm walking a tightrope between my old home and our new one, and it's exhausting.

And you know what? It’s perfect, just like Virgo taught us. Here’s how I remember that truth,...

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Heralding the Winter Tide: A Quarterly Astral Update

You know... as I sit here on my back porch looking out at my back garden and thinking about the last couple of weeks, it strikes me just how transformative and powerful such a short time has been... I sit in good company, watching while the Dryads gently whisper their want for Milk and Honey and the Fae play in my Rose and Hawthorn bushes, bringing with them all sorts of fiddly energies that are always fun... but apparently suck for everyone else. 

Like many of you -I'm sure, the past couple weeks brought with them a great deal of turmoil for me in the form of release, acceptance and a need to trust that all the things erupting around me are for a reason. While it's easy to get caught up in the circus show of our lives, or try and pay closer and closer attention to Astrological movements in an effort to find some sense of order, we cannot forget to look to the very thing on which we walk to find some of the best answers to what is happening... the Land itself.

Even though the...

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Gratitude is an Attitude

We have all come into contact with this emotion. No matter where you are in life for good or for ill, you've felt its gentle touch. It arrives when we least expect it to and it fills us with a seemingly infinite sense of hope. At least for a moment, but then it flees from us nearly as quickly as it comes. This emotion is Gratitude and it is central to living a healthy, well-balanced and fulfilled life.

This feeling of happiness that comes from our appreciation might seem fleeting, but does it have to be?

The answer simply is no.

Gratitude is far more than an emotion we feel when someone does something kind for us. It is far more than a mood that we experience when life goes the way we want it to. Gratitude at its very core is an attitude.

But, what is this Attitude of Gratitude?

An attitude of gratitude is a way of approaching life with the aim of providing a more fulfilling experience. To put it bluntly, your life and the experiences that you encounter are miraculous. You are...

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The Ultimate Guide to Intermittent Fasting Part One by Ben Tanner

This is the complete beginner’s guide to intermittent fasting.

So if you want to:

  • Learn what intermittent fasting is all about
  • See how you can improve your health with intermittent fasting
  • Learn how to be successful with fasting (from the very start)

Then you're in the right place. :)

Let's dive in.


Chapter 1:  What Is “Intermittent” Fasting? 

Intermittent fasting means different things to different people, so it’s easy to get confused.  

In this chapter I'll cover the various meanings, and the one I typically use.

I also go over how intermittent fasting is (usually) different from extended fasting.


What Do People Mean by Intermittent Fasting? 

Most often, “intermittent fasting” (IF) refers to short-term, daily fasting

In other words, it's shortening your “eating window” on a daily basis.  That means you’d be fasting less than 24 hours.  

While I think that’s...

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Mysteries of Electronics

Written by Jamie Fall

I'm not an expert on these subjects, but that is kind of the point; discovery and wondering will give us a unique perspective as we learn about the amazing secrets of these sciences together! Of course, I have researched, and I do try to be accurate in the factual information I provide. However, I'm by trait an artist, so you'll have to understand I also enjoy taking a creative approach to wonder about these topics in some of my fantastic possibilities. I invite you to do the same; it's fun! Give your mind permission to be curious as we wonder together about these sciences. 

Modern Magic

If you showed a computer to someone from 200 years ago, what would they think of it? Without power, it is as lifeless as a black mirror, but add an electric current, and suddenly you can explore entirely interactive 3D environments in games with people on the other side of the world! You can play movies and music and design things. And you have basically all the ...

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Money as Energy: Abundance Magick with Frater Taliesin

The relationship we have with money is spotty. We have loved it and hated it; protected it and squandered it. We have believed money to be the root of all evil. Yet, we have said it to be good when we have it in abundance. The back and forth relationship we have with money is tumultuous at best, and why would it not be so? Besides health, happiness, and loving relationships, many individuals would say they desire to have more money...or better yet, financial freedom. In fact, it has been argued that money is the key factor in attaining a healthy lifestyle, a loving relationship, and overall happiness and life satisfaction. So which one is it? Is money evil or good? The answer is neither.

Money is first and foremost a neutral energy based on the frequency that we are emitting into the universe. If our relationship or awareness of money centers around scarcity we will only be aware of its nature in this regard. But what happens when we shift that perception to one of unlimited...

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Buddha Nature is in Everything

Consciousness is inherent in everything. Therefore, Buddha nature is inherent in all things as well. This means anything we are able to perceive (as well as that which we’re not) in this reality exists on some point along its own Buddha path, including you. There are multiple beliefs and understandings of reincarnation within Buddhism, just like all religions have their own various schools of thought, however the ultimate point of reincarnation is to achieve liberation through progressive karmic rebirth within the realm of Samsara. This essentially means that once we have been reborn into the form of a sentient being (by way of accumulating “good,” or unifying, karma) we have the ability to awaken to our Buddha nature as we relinquish our attachments and extricate ourselves from the karmic cycle.

Watch the Video Here!

While karma is essential for learning and being reborn into higher, or better, levels within Samsara it’s nothing more than a tool to get us to...

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Truth Be Told

articles divination oracle Feb 18, 2021

There is an excellent card in the Wisdom of the Oracle deck called, “Truth be told” this particular card speaks on self expression, inner truth, outlook/perception and authenticity. I love this card, the main point of it is to explain that it matters more to express yourself, use your voice, and for you to understand that voice, than to ever have anyone else understand or agree with it. Self expression is inherently about the self, if another person benefits from it well, that's just a bonus. 

I often see people playing a popular game, I like to call it, “Which truth is truer” It’s a game where everyone gathers around and vouches for their own truth and how theirs is truer than all the other truths in the room. I find myself playing this game sometimes myself, and it’s something that I’m not always particularly proud of. We’re surrounded in this day and age by right fighters, whether it’s in the realm of politics,...

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Chakra Showers: Tap In Anywhere, Anytime

It's easy to get caught up in the chaos of "today," forgetting that even the most mundane moments have Magic hidden within. Even (and especially) your body, which at times you may find difficult to work with, is a sacred vessel for conscious spiritual experience. So, of course lavish self-care is fun and feels good, but the technique I'm about to discuss goes beyond that and into realms of authentic healing. It can be done anywhere, anytime - whether you have a fancy shower, a holy waterfall, or nothing at all.

I find it particularly helpful to do after or before a Reiki session, to activate my kundalini energy, and tap into the natural Flow within and around me.

"[...] there is a small waterfall on Kurama yama where even today people go to meditate. This meditation involves standing under the waterfall and allowing the water to strike and flow over the top of the head, a practice that is said to activate the crown chakra. Japanese Reiki Masters think that Usui Sensei may have...

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From Cancel Culture to Healing Humanity: An Ode to Jordan River by A. Rose Mapstone

After a year of observing the media-maya[1] of modern society, I’ve become familiar with the emotional connection between online content creators and their audiences. We have a habit of placing our fellow human beings on pedestals, just to shove them off and watch them fall - in high definition, nonetheless. This unconscious process has led to the birth of “cancel culture” - “the removing of support for public figures in response to their objectionable behavior or opinions.”[2]

From my holistic and mystical perspective, I’ve developed what the kids might call an “unpopular opinion” – perhaps cancel culture is inherently flawed, not because someone shouldn’t take responsibility for their actions, but because there can be no detoxification process without at first exploring why and how that entity has “toxified” in the first place. Navigating the core issues, and then finding solutions. Even when...

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