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Stop Worrying What Others Think of You

Everyone wants to be liked and loved. People want to be appreciated for what they do or for their intelligence. Others want to show off their good nature or their natural speaking ability. 

While everyone wants to be accepted, it can be quite tough to teach oneself how not to care about what others think about them. Sadly, when you want others to like you the way you want to be liked, you end up giving them all the power over you. You start to rely on them for self-acceptance. Their opinion begins to play a pivotal role in your success as a person. That is where the vicious cycle begins. 

Perhaps you, too, have wondered how not to let people get to you. When you begin to believe that other people's opinions or impressions of you is all that matters, then telling yourself not to care becomes more difficult. 

In wanting to be accepted, you end up losing a part of who you are. When you continue to worry about what others will say, you end up seeing only the reality that...

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Choosing A Career With Purpose

For many younger millennials and older generation z's, career selection can be difficult. Many want to pursue their passion, but at the same time, they have to ask themselves, "What job suits me but will also help me pay my bills?" How do we have a career that gives us the paycheck we need and also be one that's fulfilling and provides us with a sense of purpose

You may find yourself feeling uncertain about making a big move in your career. You worry that it could be a mistake to leave the job you have now and find something that's truly meaningful for you. Whenever you find yourself feeling uncomfortable about the situation you're in, it will be helpful if you can pause and take some time to reflect. What do you really want? This is an important question to ask yourself when choosing a career with purpose. 

Assessing Your Career 

If you're unhappy with the job that you have, then you have to assess if you'll continue going down this path, or are you willing to take...

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Being Mindful Of What You Share On Social Media

articles lifestyle Jun 12, 2020

Have you ever thought of how to teach teens the proper way of dealing with their digital life? While these young minds may benefit from mindfulness activities for teens, many adults need the same thing. 

People spend most of their days on social media. It takes a massive part in their lives. In fact, most family and friends find it useful to keep in touch through social media. 

But then again, the use of social media isn't just about communicating. It has evolved in so many ways. For some, it has become a platform where they can pretend to be someone else. Because of this, we have to be very careful. Mindful learning is something everyone must practice. 

How Does Social Media Posting Affect You

A person's portrayal of his life on social media is not the same as in real life. Even if we understand this, it's easy to wish that we were living their life instead of our own. This may be a simple case of wishful thinking, but it could be dangerous. 

Comparing your life...

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Soothing Your Critical Inner Voices

articles lifestyle Jun 11, 2020

Do you have those nagging inner voices that say you aren’t good enough? No matter how confident we think we are, whenever we attempt something new in our lives, all those doubtful voices fill our heads. Usually, we achieve some relief after we’re done with the task, be it a job interview, a report at school, or even when asking someone out. But it won’t take too long before new worries swarm our minds. It’s a never-ending cycle.

We expect to feel worried when going through something new, but how concerned should we get? Sometimes, you may find that you’re overly-worried about things because of those critical inner voices telling you that you can’t do it. Those voices are your internal enemy and can even be a threat to your chance of realizing your true potential and living a fulfilled life. 

If you listen to your critical inner voices, you will begin to distrust your own abilities, become your own worst critic,...

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Powerful Ways In Finding The Human Connection

articles energy updates Jun 11, 2020

One of the basic human needs is to connect with the people around them. While it may seem simple, the act of building social connections does not come naturally. It takes a bit more effort to establish good relations with others. 

How do you make friends? The first step is to express your interest in getting to learn more about others. Sometimes, people don't become successful at this because they are too busy building themselves up. They strive to make others interested in them. 

The truth to successful human relationships is this--you establish a connection with others if you show interest in getting to learn more about them. Remember, people don't care about how interesting you are. They are concerned about how interested you are in building connections with them. 

The Importance Of Building Connections

Everyone wants to connect with people, whether they are an introvert or an extrovert. These connections can help you with achieving goals, industry, or sharing...

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4 Important Tips If You're Struggling with Mindfulness

How does your daily routine look? Is it focused on getting more things done? Is it about achieving a specific task you have set for yourself? Or is it about ticking off every item in the to-do list you prepared at the beginning of the day? 

You have a list, and the moment you get the opportunity to start the day, you rush to get it done. Because you’re so used to being in autopilot, you seldom stop or take a pause. Even when you are tired of constantly being in a hurry, you don’t take the chance to relax or take some breathing space. 

The focus is always on getting things done and making sure they are done right. The goal is to always reach for what is ten steps ahead of you. Instead of thinking about where you are at the moment, you are worried about what would become of you tomorrow. 

You never took a pause until you needed it. 

Mindfulness activities are often associated with the idea of under-performance. Because you took...

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4 Steps to Create a Peaceful Life This Week


For many of us, we want to achieve a sense of peace and happiness in our lives. We want to feel less stressed and less overwhelmed when it comes to our day to day existence. With so many things causing distractions and trying to get our attention from tasks we need to do, living can be exhausting instead of enjoyable. So, how do we get rid of all these negativities and enjoy peaceful living? That’s what we’ll share with you here, so be sure to read along!

Why Can’t We Achieve Peace in Our Lives?

You may think that you’re already doing everything you can do, so your life is in order. However, you’re still experiencing a lot of chaos and disorder. Why? It’s because while you are trying to escape the chaos and stress, you focus on micromanaging every aspect of your life instead. 

We do so many things that we think are helping us but are actually just adding to the stress. For example, you find ways to distract yourself because...

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Structure Your Routines to Hit Your Goals

We all have goals that we want to achieve; however, why does it seem like no matter what we do, we can't truly stick to the plan and hit our goals? It's because when we don't have a structure in our routines, it's easy to lose motivation for doing what we intend to do. 

An example is trying to change your diet so you can reach your health goals. But whenever mealtime comes, you forget about your motivations and your desire to have a healthier body because you still eat what you want. 

Have you also tried becoming less of a procrastinator and be a more focused person? It may work well for you for a short period. However, after a while, your motives dissipate, and you go back to your usual habits. 

There are plenty of examples that you can surely relate to, like starting an exercise routine or waking up early. We all try to start something to improve ourselves, but we fail miserably in the process. 

Sometimes, we even feel that we're a hopeless case, and we feel...

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Staying (Authentically) Positive During Difficult Times

A lot of people take pride in their optimism. These are the people who believe that hard times create a strong man. Truth be told, with everything that has been going on in the world, you are truly blessed if you can still stay positive.

People who always choose to see their glass half full have made a lifestyle choice. They decided to stay positive amid everything terrible that has been happening. They try to look at everything with a positive light. From the fights in their relationship to mistakes they commit at work, they always look at it with the perspective that there is a lesson somewhere. They just had to learn it the hard way. 

But can people really stay positive all the time?

Several studies show that more people are positive than those that consider themselves pessimistic. However, just because someone is positive does not mean that they don't see the problem at hand. 

In fact, even optimistic people assume the worst in situations. It is quite easy to...

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Detaching Ourselves from Being the Center of Attention

Do you want to be the center of attention all the time? Has attention-seeking behavior become a large part of your personality?

If you desire to be at the center of everyone's life, you may be exhibiting other selfish behaviors, like not caring about how others think or feel. But is this really you? 

If being the center of attention gets in the way of your relationships, is the urge to be the talk of the town still worth it? 

The chronic desire to be the center of attention all the time, also known as histrionic personality disorder, is exemplified by always having to be noticed and or given attention. When this attention is not provided, the person with the disorder may react severely. Sufferers are more prone to engaging in provocative or destructive behavior to gain the attention that they want. 

Those who are suffering from this disorder often find themselves wanting to get everyone's attention, regardless of the situation. These people feel uncomfortable when...

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