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The Secret to Living a Simple Life

articles lifestyle Jun 03, 2020

Do you find yourself rushing from one task to another? Do you often skip meals or grab ready-to-eat treats from the coffee shop on your way to work every day because you don’t have the time to sit and enjoy a nice tasty meal? 

If you find it seemingly impossible to live a peaceful life, then perhaps you have overcommitted yourself. Don’t fret just yet. You are not the only person who is suffering from handling too many things at the same time. 

While it may be tempting to work on several tasks at the same time, it could take its toll on your overall health. When you stop to look at life, you will see how it could be worth your while. 

It’s time to downsize, prioritize, and minimize. 

Though living a simpler life may seem like an impossible endeavor, pursuing it could help reduce the stress you experience each day. It could be the support that you need to live a happier and healthier life.

But how do you make it happen? How do...

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How to Give Up Comfort in Life

Living a comfortable life seems to be the most attractive kind of life for almost all of us. However, many people are "comfortable" with the idea of living a city life where people work most of their days and retire at night with people they do not really love. 

The thought of dealing with unfamiliarity intimidates people, and this is the fear that hinders their growth. If only they could stop the fear from controlling them, people would learn to become less cautious, to break away from conformity, and to pursue the things that they've always wanted to. 

However, living a comfortable life always gets in the way. 

Most people who have lived years with someone with whom they are longer happy. And yet, they choose to stay. It is not just the comforting thought of being with someone, but it is the familiarity of the situation that makes them stay. 

If that person didn't play an important role in someone's everyday life, it would have been much easier to break up and...

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Practice Productivity by Getting More Stuff Done

How good are you at getting things done? While productivity and efficiency are not the keys to a happy life, they help you overcome anxiety and provide you with money so you can buy the things to live. Although money does not have to be the focus, it teaches you how to think clearly and balance your needs and wants. While finishing a task comes with lots of benefits, sometimes it is easier said than done. 

Here are some benefits you can reap when you finish your tasks efficiently and effectively: 

  •  You accomplish more projects. 
  •  You gain more self-confidence.
  •  You learn how to waste less time. 
  •  You spend less time procrastinating.
  •  You become more trustworthy.
  •  You start earning more. 
  •  You may find an opportunity to start your own business.

The list of positive things that can happen when you get more stuff done goes on and on. When you see the benefits, you want to get even more things...

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Go Deeper Within by Decluttering Your Life

Decluttering is not just about cleaning up a messy house or room; it's also a way to achieve some peace in your life. The process of decluttering your life may seem difficult at first, especially if you're attached to your possessions. However, if you try doing it, you'll soon realize that you have more space in your home, you're less stressed, and you become mindful of what you bring into your life. 

What You Can Get from Decluttering

The decluttering process can be a magical experience for you because you get to have the chance to learn more about yourself. If you continue to declutter your life regularly, then you may even enjoy the personal growth that you can get out of it. This is because you will be confronting the way you hold on to things and how you give value to them. 

The mess that we see around the house is a representation of our habits, such as procrastination. So, for you to fully fix the mess, you have to change your practices as well. You need to be able...

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The Power Inside You

articles self-care Jun 01, 2020

Your life may be littered with a number of obstacles. Some things don't come easy. You often find yourself facing challenging situations that can cause you a lot of stress and anxiety. These constant negative feelings can sometimes be overwhelming, but there is one thing that remains true for everyone. 

It will all be okay.

Whenever you feel like you are in control, you can't help but be proud of yourself. But how about the times when you don't feel like you are in control? What about on days when you can't help but worry about how things are going to work out? 

Still, you try to push through. You tell yourself that you can move past the difficulty. Most of the time, you seek help from outside your being, thinking that other people are better at living your life than you are. 

Technology has provided us with an easy way to get the answers that we need. When we have a question, we Google it, and the answer is there. But what about the questions you...

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Stop Numbing and Start Being Present to Your Life

articles lifestyle Jun 01, 2020


How do you deal with the things that cause you discomfort or suffering? How do you overcome the painful experiences and move on with your life? You must have tried to escape the hurt by doing so many other things to make yourself feel happy. 

No one wants to experience discomfort, so we end up procrastinating. Instead of finding a solution to deal with the problem, we end up choosing what makes us feel comfortable at the moment. 

Though experts say mindfulness activities could help lessen the pain, most people still believe that by avoiding the problem, it will just disappear. But does it?

Because you don’t want to deal with the problem at present, you end up distracting yourself with whatever is available. You turn to technology or try to get lost in your thoughts about the past or your plans about the future. 

You have become so good at numbing yourself to the experience. It seems like the most logical thing to do. But what if there...

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Powerful Motivation to Keep in Mind TODAY

What do you do to motivate yourself every day? Have you lost your motivation at work? If you’re having a problem staying motivated, it may be a mystery to you how prosperous individuals can keep such a high level of energy and enthusiasm in what they’re doing. How do we continue to go after our dreams even if we face a lot of challenging obstacles along the way? 

Different Ways to Stay Motivated

There’s so much we can learn from how people succeed in reaching their goals. But before we delve into the motivation techniques that they use, let’s take a look at the different ways that you can stay motivated. 

How to Set Goals

Setting your goals is among the most effective ways that you can motivate yourself. There’s a trick in this technique, though. You have to set your goals just right. If your goals are too complicated or unrealistic, then you lose interest or don’t bother trying. 

On the other hand, if...

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Signs You Are Overcommitted

articles self-care May 31, 2020

How do you feel about work? Does it feel like you've got a lot on your plate? However, busy you feel, you may not really think it's an issue. You may not have developed the commitment phobia just yet, perhaps because you've become so accustomed to doing a lot. 

But when the things you need to do start to pile up and more tasks are coming your way, having your plate overfull with things is stressful. It makes you feel anxious about not being able to meet everything. But there's no need to fret just yet. Perhaps all you need is to think about how things came about. 

Why have you become so overloaded? When did you start overcommitting, and why did you feel the need to say yes to so many things? How do you deal with the problem at hand? Your answer to all these questions will help you realize what could be done to address the issue. 

At this point, perhaps the first, though not the easiest decision is to simplify. You have taken on too much and told so many people that...

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Keys in Building Better Habits for a Great Year

Do you want to know how to change your life in 30 days? It all comes down to reevaluating your current habits and routines. Building good habits is everyone’s dream. But it is not as easy as it seems. When you choose to change for the better, you need to prepare yourself to stick to it for a long time. 

Thankfully, there are a few things you can do to let go of bad habits and build good habits. Old habits die hard, so they say. Therefore, when you commit to making that change, you have prepared yourself for the worst. 

But if you are willing to change, anything is possible. 

Whether it is adopting a habit you truly admire, changing bad habits, or building better ones, the best first step is acceptance. When you know that it won’t be easy, then you have prepared yourself for what’s to come. 

Tips To Building Better Habits

There are a handful of ways you can build better habits and get rid of bad ones. If you are looking at...

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Increase Your Productivity Through Simplification

articles lifestyle May 30, 2020


Do you often feel like you're losing control of your day? When you wake up, you make a plan. You want to get so much done, but as soon as you start, you find yourself distracted by all the things around you. Your focus is low, and you fail to identify what is genuinely a priority task. For some, it might just be another case of procrastination. 

How do you regain control of your time? There is no one-size-fits-all kind of strategy when it comes to increasing productivity. But there is one simple rule that can make it all work out. If you want to be more productive, then keep your list of things-to-do simple. You won't work well when there is a lot on your list.

When you simplify your list, you are prioritizing what should come first and what should come next. When you simplify, you are dedicating enough time for the things that should be considered essential. When you simplify, you allow yourself to make a plan that works well for you. 

What Are The...

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