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Why and How To Actually Be Present With Your Loved Ones

Shifting into becoming truly present with family and friends happens when someone either comprehends the magnitude of the importance of this relative to their life from a macro view and/or experiences sustained joy and pleasure in their life from applying presence to their relationships with their loved ones.

The problem is that work-life can be the overwhelming perspective one takes. The achievement of things - the outputs of the processes - can be the focus, and when this is so strongly brought into your awareness, simply being simple becomes more foreign. The solution is to tie these things together - work-life and life-life - and see them not as separate activities but as the same activity in different contexts.

Home-life supports work-life. Work-life supports home-life. They are interrelated to each other. However, the home-life must be solid for the work-life to be solid. The home-life is not dependent on the work-life to be solid in the same way. The key is to see the...

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How to Gladly Wake Up before 5:00 AM

Allowing your body to rise according to its more natural cycles has come to mean allowing it to sleep longer. This is only half of the equation. Waking up early in the morning can increase your energy throughout the entire day, and there are a few easy tips to make that happen.

Many people see sleep as the only thing that gives our body the energy that it needs throughout the day. This is not the case. Meditation and mindfulness are tools that can effectively increase energy, and the morning routine is the foundation of each day's energy-increasing efforts.

You need to be EXCITED to wake up early. Like, actually excited about the activity, not about the output of the activity. If you are attempting - or even succeeding - in waking up early through will power despite your body's craving for more sleep, you are depleting your energy. Remember that your energy is mental, emotional, spiritual and physical, not just physical. All are interconnected. Having authentic excitement for the...

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Meditation for a Calm Heart (All You Need)

Have you been feeling uneasy and stressed lately? It can be a difficult time if you’re preoccupied with worries. You may be thinking, “how can I calm my anxious heart?” There’s a way to do that, and it is through meditation. Not only will it be good for your mind, but it can also promote a better immune system and strengthen your vital organs such as the lungs and heart...kind of important right now. 

Physical Benefits of Meditation

Breath training is an excellent exercise for your heart and lungs. That’s what makes it beneficial for your body if you perform guided morning meditation regularly. When you meditate, you draw awareness to your breathing and helps you become more calm and relaxed. With frequent practice, meditation can ease anxiety tension and lower your heart rate and blood pressure. 

Achieving Positivity 

Calming your heart through meditation can help in keeping you away from negative thoughts. Through it, you can achieve...

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Read This If You Still Have Negative Thoughts!

There are times when negative thoughts plague us and can be irritating and annoying. These thoughts even get so intrusive that we can't think of anything else. It seems as though we're stuck in that negativity, and there's nothing we can do about it.  

However, the truth is that there are steps we can take to get rid of these pestering thoughts. In this article, we want to share with you what you can do to be more mindful of what thoughts you entertain and what to set aside - no matter how evolved you believe your “spirituality” to be. 

How to Break the Pattern of Negative Thinking

We tend to keep on playing negative thoughts repeatedly, but why is this so? It's because it's familiar to us, and we can't help but replay the thought in our minds. Somehow, we torture ourselves with a scene from our past that we cannot change. 

Negative thoughts don't even have to be memories of things that happened. They can be what we perceive ourselves to be. Low...

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Plant Medicine for Dealing With Stress

In our fast-paced world today, stress has become a part of our lives. But it doesn’t have to be this way all the time. Before you take prescription drugs to ease stress and anxiety, try to explore natural alternatives that will be more beneficial for your mind and body. If you want to reduce stress naturally, there are plenty of ways to do that. One of the best ways that you can relieve stress is by making use of the best herbs for stress. Here are some of them. 


Chamomile has so many health benefits, including aiding with stress relaxation. Whenever you feel anxious, take some chamomile tea, and you’ll find that it can calm your nerves, relax your muscles, and significantly reduce your anxiety. If you’re having trouble getting a good night’s rest, chamomile can also help you sleep better. It is also known to improve digestion as well as decrease the occurrence of headaches. 


Among the best stress reducers is lavender. Simply...

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5 Tips For Breaking Up with a Friend

articles lifestyle Mar 17, 2020

Everyone will experience losing a friend at some point in our lives. If you’re going through a split up with a friend, then it’s a really difficult time for you. You’re feeling all these emotions and it hurts. You may be thinking about how to fix a breakup with your friend. But the best thing to do right now is to focus on yourself and how you can heal from a broken friendship. 

Sometimes, breaking up with a friend is even worse than breaking up with a romantic partner. For you, you’ve lost someone really dear; someone who you think you’ll always have all your life through thick and thin. This person is not just someone you know or have a few drinks with. This is an individual who knows you inside out. 

With romantic relationships, somehow, we know and accept that there’s a probability for things to not work out as we hope. However, with friendships, it’s hard for us to even imagine that there will be something that can break you...

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What Are We Really Celebrating Today? (St. Patrick's Day)

articles spirit history Mar 16, 2020

With March 17th right around the corner, people around the globe are gearing up to celebrate St. Patrick's Day with parades, Shamrocks, and all things green. So, what is Saint Patrick's day? Thought of internationally as a sort of Irish day, you might be surprised to know that the holiday's namesake is himself, not an Irishman. 

In reality, St. Patrick came from either Scotland or Wales. While he can't claim Irish ancestry, he was a force that changed the spiritual truth of Ireland and its people forever. Get ready to find out what else you didn't know about the universally loved St. Patrick's Day Traditions.

St. Patrick's Day Facts

  • St. Patrick Wasn't Irish:  As mentioned above, the man of the hour was not Irish. Though sources vary in his place of birth, we do know that Patrick initially found himself in Ireland as a slave. At the age of 16, he was captured during a raid and ended up in Northern Ireland, eventually ending up in Slemish Mountain in County Atrim, where his...
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How To Live Purposefully

articles lifestyle Mar 16, 2020

Philosophers, poets, religious leaders, and even at times politicians have tried to answer the age-old question “What is the purpose of life?” Their answers vary from the loftiness of a mansion in a faraway heaven to a dismal and the overly pragmatic death and taxes. Still, neither of these options may be fulfilling to you. Especially the latter.

If you have ever thought to yourself, “I have no purpose,” you are not alone. Many people spend their lives wondering what their purpose is or feeling like their existence has no significance or meaning. They wake up, get ready for the day, work at a job that may or may not pay all their bills, go home, eat, sleep, rinse, and repeat. With no real goals or direction, you are just surviving and keeping your head above water. Your life rules you as opposed to you ruling your life. This constant dull grind makes it difficult to go about the day to day tasks that need to be done, let alone get out of bed in the morning....

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Tips to Know You are Overworked and Why It Is Unhealthy

When your car starts making grinding sounds, a light or two flickers, you see that the gas tank is empty, or you hear the tire pop, it usually means that you have already ignored a few issues leading up to this moment.

If you are taking care of your car, it will take care of you for years to come. The same goes for your body and your mind. 

One of the prominent issues of our time is the problem of overworking. While working is a part of life, constant and consistent overworking can be detrimental to your overall health and wellbeing both in the immediate now and in the distant future.

What Is the Meaning of “Overworked” or “Overworking?”

In layman’s terms, overworking means that you are working more than you can handle. You could be putting in more hours at one or more jobs than is sustainable, taking on more physical/mental labor than is healthy for your body, or overburdening yourself with your day job and after-work responsibilities, like taking...

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The Relationship Between Collagen and Sleep

Having a morning routine for your skin is only a part of what you should do to ensure that you have healthy skin. A significant factor when it comes to attaining young and healthy skin is by ensuring that you get enough good quality sleep each night. Beauty rest is real, and it is something that you should reward yourself with after a full day of hard work. 

When we sleep, our body continues to work by repairing the damages, including rejuvenating the skin. When you don’t get enough sleep, it’s going to be obvious. You’ll have more fine lines and wrinkles, paler skin, swollen eyes, dark undereye circles, and hanging eyelids. That’s why it is crucial to get a full eight hours of sleep every night that you can. 

While we’re sleeping, the blood flow to our skin increases. The skin rebuilds the collagen as well as repairs the damages from being exposed to ultraviolet radiation. In doing so, age spots and wrinkles are reduced whenever we sleep well...

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