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How To Find Your Animal Spirit Guides

Do you believe in power animals? They say every person has his own spirit animal. Your animal spirit guide serves as the teacher or messenger who provides you with an extra layer of protection in this lifetime. 

Your spirit animal also serves as your guide to help you make the right choices in life. Their role is to provide inspiration and comfort, especially at times of confusion. They also send important messages to you during times of need. 

If you google “my soul animal,” or something to that effect, you’ll find several silly quizzes that may or may not be accurate. What you should really do is draw your attention to the different aspects of your being and examine them closely.

What do you think is your spirit animal?

What Role Does My Spirit Animal Play In My Life?

Perhaps how to call your spirit animal is the least of your worries at this time. This may be the first time you have a heart of spiritual animal signs, and you are...

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A Guide In Teaching Yoga To Kids


How do you get kids to be excited about yoga? When a yoga teacher learns a lot about teaching kids yoga classes, they feel extra excited to go out and teach. With all the excitement and enthusiasm that they feel, their nerves and commitment simply go with the flow. 

But then, despite their knowledge of yoga's benefits for kids, there is something about the idea that makes yoga teachers wonder if it is something they could ever do. Is it possible to have kids engage in an activity that most adults find interesting yet challenging to do?

While these teachers may have more experience teaching adults or teens, teaching kids yoga is a whole different story. It is different from teaching art classes or painting, where you can let the children pretty much do what they want. It is a whole new experience compared to teaching other ages. 

And like every good yoga teacher, you have just got to learn how to tap on your intuition and allow it to guide...

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The Infinite Universe

Written by Jamie Fall

What Is Beyond The Universe?

How far does the Universe go? What is beyond the farthest galaxy? Is it just vast nothingness? I know this Universe is huge, but compared to all of the possibilities I could imagine, the way we view our Universe actually seems rather limiting. Even if it were a quadrillion-trillion lightyears of galaxies, it still doesn't seem all that vast compared with what it could be. Why is the Universe not filled with flying fish? Or galactic trees? Or alternative laws of physics? I know these ideas are absurd, but it seems odd that a thing within the Universe can imagine more possibilities than what the infinite Universe possesses. Doesn't that break the laws of logic? It feels like the Universe should be too big for me to even comprehend its possibility, considering I am just a speck in size. 

Infinite Realities 

Suppose then the Universe is infinite. I like this concept because it feels both elegant in its simplicity yet equally...

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How Yoga Can Beat Drug And Alcohol Addiction


How do you make that significant shift from a life of addiction to a life of practicing yoga? There have been numerous programs involving yoga for recovery, but very little is known about how it does its magic. 

While this Eastern tradition of healing may improve physical health, it has also become a great way to help find mental, emotional, and spiritual healing. This is the reason why a lot of institutions incorporate yoga and meditation for recovery.

Yoga For Addiction Treatment

It would help if you introduced yoga and mindfulness meditation into your recovery program early on. As you progress, yoga and meditation therapy should become a part of your regular practice. When you are ready to return to your normal life, not only will you have recovered from your drug or alcohol addiction, but you will have found a practice that will help you deal with the stress of the real world.

Everyone Can Benefit From Yoga

Early recovery for addicts can bring about...

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What You Should Know About "Namaste"

When was the first time you heard the word "namaste?" Like most of the others who have become familiar with the term, it is the word that signals the end of a yoga session. The yoga namaste is a term that exudes respect and reverence for the Divine. It is a way to see and honor the reality that others live in. 

Namaste—even though it is a word that you often hear at the end of every yoga session, in truth, you use it almost all the time. But do you know what it really means? 

Learning More About The Yoga Experience

What is namaste? It has been popularly associated with yoga, but little is known of its role in practice. The rich traditions of yoga create an opportunity for people to dig deeper into themselves.

Through yoga, people can understand the meaning behind the things they have around them. It helps them learn more about what they think and how they feel at the moment. 

The practice of yoga is more than just physical exercise. It is about...

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Four Powerful Self-Loving Mantras

How do you spend most of your time? Do you spend it at work doing what others expect of you? Do you spend as much time with your family? The truth is that you spend most of your time doing neither of these. 

Technically, you spend most of your time with yourself. This is why life mantras are essential because they help you keep yourself together, especially during trying times. And because you are the source of love and light for yourself, you have to be very careful about the words and the tone you use when speaking to yourself. 

Your internal dialogue should speak of affirmations for self-love. You cannot be telling yourself you cannot do something and still expect it to have the same effect. What you tell yourself after a disappointment should embody affirmations for confidence

Words have power, and that's why you should carefully consider every word you use. The language you use when speaking to yourself is a reflection of how you feel...

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How Inner Peace Can Bring World Peace

Everyone wishes for world peace. It has become such a familiar answer in beauty pageants that people laugh at the thought of it. But did you know that finding world peace is dependent on your ability to find inner peace?

If the world's serenity rests in your hands, do you think you will be able to contribute to achieving it? It is fairly easy for people to talk about finding inner peace. Many people use the term loosely as if it were interchangeable with spiritual peace

But there is something more to it that every person needs to understand. 

Why Are Some People Not At Peace?

If you find yourself in these situations, will you be able to keep your inner peace?

  • Someone cuts you while you are driving your way to work, almost colliding with your car.
  • When your boss keeps adding to your workload with deadlines shorter than the last.
  • When your special someone cheats on you.
  • When your in-laws go out of their way to make your married life a living hell.
  • When your...
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Interesting Facts About Dreams

Dreams can be both fascinating and terrifying at the same time. There are moments when you wake up in the middle of the night, not knowing what to do because you just had a frightful dream. While you may have read many facts behind dreams, there are specific dreams that no expert can explain. 

Why do people dream? Some believe that dreaming is a way of the subconscious to send a message. Others believe that dreaming is the Divine way of showing you what life would be like when you are at the crossroads of your life. 

And yet, there has been no consensus as to why people dream. However, several exciting dream facts have been learned over the years through research about dreams and dreaming. 

Here are some human dreams facts you should take a look at:

Fact 1: Every person dreams

Did you know that babies spend two to three hours of their sleeping time at night somewhere in dreamland, no matter how young they are? Both adults and babies experience...

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Steps To Practice A Karma Cleanse 

What does it mean to cleanse your body? You hear about it all the time. When you get sick, people will tell you that you need to go through some cleansing to heal your body and soul. And they are right. Cleaning your body helps get rid of germs and bacteria. But cleansing your soul and karma is a little more complicated.

There are various methods for cleansing, each one targeting a particular aspect of your being. Some people believe that drinking fruit juices with pure lemon, cayenne, and water will help cleanse the body from within. However, when it comes to cleansing your physical body, it is essential to consult a doctor on how it can be done appropriately. They can tell you if the method of your choice is healthy. But cleansing is not just about what your physical body needs. 

What Kind Of Cleansing Do You Need?

Determining the kind of cleansing you need is the first step to bringing change in your life. The point of cleansing is always two-fold. It should be about...

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Three Energy-Boosting Mantras

What is the first thing that you notice about the world when you wake up in the morning? Perhaps you don't pay much attention to these details because half of your brain is awake, but the other half is still in dreamland. 

Your brain seems to have a light switch inside of it. When turned off, you don't notice a lot. But when it is on, you practically see and hear everything. You only start to notice the possibilities, perspectives, and potential of the day and others around you when your brain works as it should. 

While your brain works perfectly fine, from time to time, people need a brain boost to be able to harness their power and gain better focus. Enhance the internal connection that you have with your brain and allow it to bring you to success. 

How Do Mantras Work In Your Life?

You may have heard of life mantras and how they have helped people make a quick shift from a bad perspective to something with a renewed sense of hope. There is a mantra for practically...

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