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Four Quick Tips For Improved Productivity

articles energy updates Sep 12, 2020

Work With The Rhythm Of Your Body

So much of modern productivity is about the efficiency of the machine. Machines don't have biomechanical rhythms in the way that we do. For those that are genuinely into the masculine perspective, this will be more difficult to comprehend. For those with masculine/feminine balance, this will be intuitive. There are times of the day when certain activities are easier for you, and when certain activities find more resistance. There are times of the month—for both men and women —where creativity is flowing and where rest is required. There are seasonal changes that affect mood and motivation, which need different attention.

Express Your Feelings

Maintain a journal and keep your own personal KPIs. Journaling your feelings each day helps you create a log of changes in your mood and behavior to be more objective about optimization. This is right-brain training. If it is not tracked, it does not get done. This is left-brain training. What are...

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The Power Of Affirmations

Written by Suzan Ahmed

Our minds are highly skilled at planning, anticipating, and engaging in catastrophic scenarios. The basic idea is that, by imagining what could happen, we can handle it when/if it happens.

The problem is that, with repetition and focus, we essentially reinforce limiting thoughts and beliefs—even if, and especially when—we intensely worry, prepare for, and fear they will manifest themselves in our lives.

Being prepared is a natural approach to uncertainty and has helped our species survive and move forward in our evolution.

I have often heard clients express concern that focusing on positive outcomes or feelings will make them less prepared for crises. And, believe me, I have caught myself countless times going down the rabbit hole of “what-if’s.”

But focusing on the potential or real adverse outcomes incessantly does not necessarily make us better equipped for the worst. In fact, it likely creates more of the same...

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When We Find A Chakra ~ Spirit Science 43

Ah, chakras! The most common visualization of modern “new age” spirituality today. It’s a fantastic teaching tool and an even better way of connecting to yourself in meditation. Today, we pose a philosophical question… What happens in the world when we actually discover one?

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How To Bond With Your Tarot Deck

articles energy updates Sep 03, 2020

How did you feel when you peeled the plastic off your first deck of tarot cards? There was something magical about that moment that you just couldn't explain. It was like seeing a new world from a perspective created between imagination and intuition. 

Every tarot card deck comes with its own energy. It's based on what the writer and artist were trying to resonate when creating the cards. There's a special tarot deck card for every person. 

You might feel like you are drawn to the deck because it makes you feel the type of intense energy that will help unlock the many things that your soul wishes to explore. It is like the tarot deck chose you. 

If you are in a good relationship with tarot cards, then you're in for an exciting journey. 

What Bonding With Your Tarot Cards Means

What does it mean to bond with your tarot cards? It's more than just loving the artwork of the cards (but it's an excellent first step). 

With each new deck comes...

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What You Need To Learn About Yes/No Tarot Reading

articles energy updates Sep 02, 2020

What type of questions can you ask the tarot cards? Experts say that all your questions should be well thought out, intuitive, and specific so you can get an effective answer. This way, your answers will unveil the truth that you need to hear. 

It is no secret that taking on yes or no tarot cards can be tough. However, it is one of those things that you need to learn as a new reader of the cards. Such types of questions feed your curiosity. But then again, you need to know that you only yield reliable results when you ask equally strong questions. 

What Makes Asking Yes Or No Questions Interesting?

Asking an expert to do a reading of the tarot cards for you can be very interesting. While they can give you a more in-depth interpretation of what is coming in the future, sometimes all you need is a simple answer to a yes or no question. 

Will a yes or no fortune teller be able to help you in your dilemma? There's no need to fret if your question...

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The Hidden Spirituality of Limitless


Limitless is an interesting movie, a little bit like Lucy but less "transcendy". Yet, after watching it - we were left with a big question... Does the pill actually lead to enlightenment, or is it just a ruse for the ego?

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How To Have A New Moon Ritual With Yourself

I pause to offer guidance in the realm of lunar magick here because of how saturated and shallow it has become in what is available to study on. My hope in you reading this article is not a scientific or historical account of how or when we sat with the moon, but rather an invitation to discover the power of ceremony within your own practice. 

In this article, I will detail what has worked for me over the years very practically as a woman attempting to deepen my practice.

There is nothing new or trendy about a ceremony with the moon. Trend or not, I have found myself intuitively clearing a lot of space around the new moon and weaving magical for the upcoming lunar cycle. You know EXACTLY how to be with your body (and the moon!), and you know how you like to show up within the delicious space you create. And if you aren’t feeling that confident yet I hope you will be by the end of this article.

What is a New Moon Ceremony?

I have changed my life many times over in the...

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The Origins Of Palm Reading

articles energy updates Aug 10, 2020

What do you know about palm reading? While it may be one of the most popular divination practices, there is a lot that people do not know about palmistry. Its origins are as magical as the practice itself. 

Chiromancy, or most popularly known as palm reading, is one of the most highly regarded divination tools. While its precise origins remain unknown, the study of its origins points to an ancient Indian civilization. From there, it spread to China, Tibet, Greece, and ancient Egypt. In fact, the great thinker, Aristotle, shared a few things he knew about palm reading. In his view, he believed that the lines in the human hands are there for a reason. 

Looking Into The History Of Palm Reading

In the Middle Ages, the practice of palm reading seemingly got lost. It drowned when all the other personality assessment tools were discovered. But palmistry had its great revival during the 19th century. 

During the 19th century, interest in the...

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How To Incorporate Vastu In Your Business

articles energy updates Aug 09, 2020

Vastu Shastra is an architectural practice rooted in Indian tradition. It is usually used as a guide for home decoration practice to ensure the flow of positive energy into the house structure based on Vastu principles. 

However, in recent practice, the Vastu tips for shop and business establishments are slowly taking on its popularity. Many business owners have turned to the principles of the Vastu tips for business on how they could design their office space to attract more positive energy.

As people attest to how Vastu Shastra has brought about functional changes in their office, more have expressed their interest in the practice. Slowly, the whole exercise of Vastu for business is growing. 

Vastu For Commercial Shops And Establishments

The increase in population has led people to develop more commercial spaces for everyone to share. It has become a challenge for designers to put together a design conducive for the growth of the business...

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Is There a Place for Live Action on Spirit Science?

After the last Ayahuasca journey, I realized I wanted and needed to step up to a higher level of leadership and personal & spiritual growth on Spirit Science. This doesn't mean I won't be making cartoons anymore, it just means I'd like to expand and be free to explore all of my creative freedom here on Spirit Science.

Thank you for staying with me on this journey!

Join the new 3-Day training at

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