Spirit Mysteries is an online modern Mystery School with a vibrant and elevated community, and containing hundreds of hours of courses.
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I feel like we all know the taste of chocolate right?? Or the sensation of the colour red?
But let's think about that for a second... when you eat a bit of chocolate, it's euphoric, it melts in your mouth, it's got a great taste and it's honestly a whole experience... no? Just me? 🤯
Chocolate is made up of tons of chemicals and ingredients, but we experience them all together when they're converted into an electrical sensation in the brain and then BOOM, instant chocolate heaven.
Turns out, this is the Hard Problem of Consciousness. How and why we perceive things as unified experiences when they're separate things. Or how our brain converts things into sensations called Qualia.
So, today we're jumping back into Ant Man's Quantum Van to go on a journey into the Quantum Realm in search of our awareness... you know, standard Thursday afternoon stuff.
Join us this week to discover if the brain is in different Quantum States, how manifestation REALLY works and if proo...
Love your home and it will love you back
Hey There!
Tell me if these article headlines sounds familiar...
7 Feng Shui tips to evoke good vibes
How Feng Shui saved my marriage and my cat
[Your favourite celebrity] used Feng Shui for a day, here's what they found
After a while, the mainstream's fascination with superficial spirituality boarders on cultural appropriation... and while it can be great that such ancient principles are finally getting recognition, just how much do we really know about Feng Shui and Ancient Chinese philosophy?
Since the 70s, Feng Shui has been blowing up in the West, and it feels like every instagram guru is pushing it right now. But outside of "lucky" and "unlucky" directions that "resonate" with you, how does this ancient art form actually work? And more importantly, how do YOU actually go about understanding the theory and practice of traditional Feng Shui?
Today, we have something pretty exciting...
We dived into some of the Ancient Chinese wis...
Hey there!
Let's be honest... I think we could all do with a collective deep breath right? Is it just me, or has the last week been kinda... nuts? 🥜 It feels like whatever energy patterns have been swirling around for a while are starting to move out, and sometime that's painful and messy, but... giving ourselves space to grow and having those healthy boundaries with ourselves enables us to really shine!
We're excited ... today we thought we'd open the curtains a little more and let some light in. Things have been rough, but if we only look at the what's wrong in the world, that's what we'll continue to manifest. When we can learn to find wisdom and hope amidst all the things being thrown at us by the mainstream media, there's nothing we can't accomplish!
Remember, the soul becomes dyed with the colour of its thoughts.
So, we rounded up three things that actually HELPED us during this pandemic! Everything from lockdowns that helped us with personal boundaries, individuality a...
Hey there...
You know, it feels strange to still be here nearly two years later and still be battling against a pandemic. Like... sure, things have better and the world is starting to open up again, but who would have imagined back in 2020 that a virus like this would spread like... well... a plague?
I'm sure we don't need to tell you how bad things have been...
You've seen it for yourself. The huge economic upheavals, people losing their jobs, losing family members, and a negative feedback loop of fear and confusion giving birth to all manner of conspiracy theories and division over whether it was natural or lab made... or to what extent this whole thing has just be orchestrated by the DAVOS billionaires to engineer their Great Reset.
But there is more darkness festering than you realise...
It's been growing under the surface of our society for years, and the pandemic has brought it to the surface more than ever before.
From full blown mental health crisis, to heartbreaking a...
Hey Everyone!
You probably expected this at some point right? I mean... we sure do love our movies... and we know you do too ;)
We've done a Human History Movie, a Crystal Movie, a Sacred Geometry Movie and even a Chakra Movie... but it occurred to us recently, we've never done a Psychedelic Movie.
Imagine if you had to start your journey over...
If you knew nothing about Psychedelics...
Where would you even start? After all... it's not exactly the best idea to jump straight in without any research or understanding. But it's always hard knowing where to take your first step right?
It's for that reason that we've brought together EVERY piece of Psychedelic content we've ever made here at Spirit Science into one 2 hour movie to give you the strongest roots and grounding in Plant Medicine!
For the first time -all in one place, you'll see:
Hey there!
You know... I really don't think you can beat the Beatles, Stones or Hendrix right? I feel like we kinda peaked in the 60s for a bit there.
We had an explosion of culture, music, art and philosophy, spearheaded by people like Alan Watts, Ram Dass and all the classic Shaman "Professors" who were teaching students in colleges about civil rights, self-expression and free love.
The 50s were pretty much defined by the Cold War between the US and Russia, so the amount of fear, suspicion and control had reached an all time high and finally hit a breaking point... but then something pretty groovy happened.
Albert Hoffman synthesised ergot fungus and created the substance we know today as LSD... one of the most powerful hallucinogens on the planet, and it changed everything.
There was nothing counter about the counterculture…
It was everywhere. Plant Medicines and Psychedelics were part of the air you breathed and the music your listened to.
*cue Sunshine of Your Love*
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Okay so... let's be real... if you've seen basically ANY Sci-Fi movie of the last decade, you've probably noticed that whole space base, sea base, cloud base thing that's pretty much a staple by now right?
Imagine if we could actually do it though...
How cool would it be to live in Cloud City from Empire Strikes Back or some kind of underwater dome mega city like Atlantis? Or even better... if Elon or Bezos get that whole space habitation thing off the ground (pun fully intended), what if we could be living in the skies of Venus in 50 years?
Well... it's actually not so much Science Fiction anymore. Thanks to the late great Bucky Fuller, Geodesic Domes are an actual thing... and they're almost completely based on principles of geometry and proportion.
So today, as we look to the future and let loose an arrow to be guided by Sagittarius, we're asking something pretty close to home for us... what does a domed future look like for humanity? 'Cause even...
Hey there!
It's been a while since we looked at the soul huh...
I mean... we've been on quite the world journey, all the way from Egypt and Greece, to the Polynesian Islands and the frozen tundra of Siberia and northern Canada while looking at how different people think about their souls.
But while it's great telling stories and myths... how practical really is it? How can we conceptualise our soul today? If science was ever to take a Great Leap Forward and actually prove the soul existed... how would actually go about doing that? And what would it even look like?
I guess what I'm getting at is... we've come a long way in the evolution of our species, but are we really any closer to understanding the most fundamental aspect of our consciousness? Really... what does the soul look like in today's world? And how can we tap into it?
Well... since the 60s, the New Age Movement has been growing and building off the ideas put forward by the Theosophists of the 19th and 20th centuries,...
Hey Hey!
You know... following timing and numerology, many magicians will turn to the space in which they work to perform magickal acts. Designating a sacred space is one of the oldest forms of magick and is almost a prerequisite at this point...
In the West Country of England, these spaces are called Whist and Hood, and they are the loci of spirits... a way between worlds. When you create a sacred space, especially by casting a magick circle, many spirits and forces can be made available in greater abundance when you call on them.
In the Greek and Egyptian Mystery Traditions though... stretching all the way back to the Graeco-Egyptian Magical Papyri, magick circles were used as a means of protection from spirits you would call on... kinda like a barrier.
But... where did magick circles come from? And more importantly... how would you go about creating one?
Well... as usual, we got you covered! In today's episode, we're gonna take you through the theory, history and practice of...
Hey There!
We've all heard it before right?
"Oh magick isn't real... it's just wish fulfilment"
Well... yeah. Of course it's wish fulfilment... its what allows you to manifest your desires in the first place! But every time we see something witchy going on in Hollywood, it's people sitting in circles of candle, chanting or moving in weird ways making magick happen... but when we do that in person, we often realise something profound.
What's going on on the outside is just the surface level...
The REAL magick is happening to us internally... within the deepest recesses of our bodies, within our energetic field and within our mind. If we take the Hermetic Maxim As Above So Below, we are a microcosm of the cosmos... a reflection of the universe itself.
Countless Occultists throughout the years have delved into psychology as a means of explaining aspects of the craft. Even the infamous Aleister Crowley was renowned for integrated psychological practices into his work, with many o...
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