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How to Free Yourself from the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

What does it mean to have a fear of being left out? Do you feel bad when you can't say "yes" to opportunities that come your way, even if you're already stretched thin? It can be depressing. 

But the truth is that saying "no" to opportunities that come your way is not as bad as you think. What is actually wrong is when you say "yes" to too many things, and you end up overloaded. 

When you are doing too many things at the same time just because you want to prove that you can do it all, that's when it becomes a problem. Even when you're doing too much, the fear of not doing enough eats at you. This is the fear of missing out, or FOMO.

Why Do You Feel Like You're Missing Out?

You may be asking yourself, "Why does it feel like there is something missing in my life?" Too much exposure to social media has got you thinking about what others have. It has forced you to compare your life to the life of those around you. 

When you learned that a good friend...

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Finding Meaning in Your Regular Work Task

articles lifestyle May 11, 2020

Do you feel like you’re too busy with work, but your life and career aren’t moving forward? Does it feel like everything that you do is just a way to pass the time? Does it feel like you’ve been working for things that don’t really matter?

You’re great at completing tasks and getting things done. In fact, you take your job seriously. That’s why you hate it when work piles up. You may even have a task tracker that helps you complete every assignment before they are due. And yet, at the end of each workday, you think, “Was there something you could have done better?”

Your work ethic is not a problem. Rather, the problem is finding meaning in the things that you do. When you think that your job or everyday responsibilities are meaningless, then doing them and accomplishing them won’t give you a sense of fulfillment. 

Many people believe that having a fulfilling job is a luxury reserved for the very lucky or very wealthy. This...

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Fighting the Feelings of Tiredness, Loneliness, and Stress

You’ve probably heard the term “emotional exhaustion” a couple of times in the past. You might have even wondered if you’ve experienced it in the past or if you’re experiencing it now. 

The phrase “burnout” is often associated with a person’s physical burnout. It is when a person physically feels tired about socially interacting with other people. Emotional exhaustion, on the other hand, is when one experiences a period of excessive stress at work and in their personal life. 

When people experience loneliness, tiredness, and stress altogether, they find themselves emotionally exhausted. It makes them feel like they do not feel anything anymore. They become overwhelmed by all the responsibilities expected of them. They are tired, and their body experiences fatigue. 

These feelings tend to build up over a long period of time. But when people get tired, they may stop taking care of themselves, and they may no longer see the...

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Develop the Habit Resilience

Success in life does not come in a straight road. Some may be lucky to have their successful future carved for them. However, others have to rely on their life experiences to teach them a thing or two before they're able to advance. 

Often during the journey of life, we face detours, blocked roads, and dead ends. It takes determination and tenacity to be able to push yourself to keep going. However, it's important to know that just because someone finds themself at the brink of success, the victory itself doesn't make them a good or a better person. They are strong people because they allowed themselves to be shaped by the trials they faced. They developed resilience.

Do you consider yourself a resilient person? You must have heard the story of Thomas Edison and how he invented the lightbulb. In his day, he was ridiculed for failing to achieve . . . well, anything. And yet when he did, he told everyone that he did not discover how to make a light bulb. Rather, he discovered...

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How to Prepare for the Incoming Shift in Your Life

What is an aspect of your life that you want to change? Does it feel challenging to make that change? Making a considerable switch and taking on a shift of perspective is always tricky in the beginning. No matter what kind of change you want to take on, it’s still going to be difficult. 

You may be asking yourself, “Is it possible to make a change for life?” 

Remember this: making a shift in your life, no matter how old you are, is possible if you want it to be. Whether it is big or small, change always brings about something new. 

It is not going to be easy, but it is going to be worth it. In fact, it can be messy at times, but it will be worth taking the shot. As long as you want to make that shift, you can always make it happen. 

How Will The Shift Happen In Your Life?

How does change happen in your life? Here are some of the steps you may encounter when changing your life.

  • You are struggling. This is the phase that is most difficult to...
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Tips to Create a More Structured Life

articles lifestyle May 07, 2020

You may have landed on this article after searching, “How to be responsible” or “Why is my life a mess?” People live deeply contradicting lives. It is strange how people feel that their life is a mess, or like nothing is going right, and all this negativity causes them stress. They also feel overwhelmed when they have a lot of responsibilities on their plate. This chaos creates a tremendous amount of uncertainty in them. 

And yet, they also hate following a daily routine. They resist the structure that comes with following a pattern. People hate it when they have to be responsible for the things that are handed to them. People want to be more in control of their lives, and yet they struggle against this control because they feel that having a routine is too rigid and too constricting. 

So instead of sticking to the plan, people toss out everything, and they decide to be free from any form of restriction. However, this creates uncertainty. Not being...

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Happiness is a State of Mind

Are you feeling low, depressed, or generally sad? Do you feel like no matter what you do or achieve, you are unable to feel joy? You are not alone. It is the desire to be happy that makes everyone one and the same. However, this common goal puts everyone in a tricky situation. How does one define happiness? For some, they find it in things and moments that satisfy them temporarily. For others, they see happiness as the bi-product of living a meaningful life. 

Though most people think that happiness is a feeling of joy, in theory, this may be true. But in truth, happiness is a state of mind. It is a state of being that gives every person the ability to take in what life has given them. It is to see things from a perspective where everything that happens benefits you in one way or another. 

Understanding the Art of Being Happy

What is the art of happiness? Unfortunately, no manual or book will teach a person how to be happy. There is no step by step guide to lead people to...

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Discover the Power of Basic Goodness

articles lifestyle May 02, 2020

Do you feel that you are not good enough for others? Do you feel like everything that goes wrong in your life is somehow your fault? Some say that these negative feelings and thoughts come from the expectations that you put on yourself. There is so much pressure to do good and be good, and that can be overwhelming. 

Even healthy minds may sometimes feel like they are not good enough to succeed, or that they are not good enough to be loved. Even though these feelings can hurt you, they can also hurt others. 

How you handle love and the chaotic emotions that come with it can make or break a relationship or friendship. For example, when you choose to dwell on the feeling of not being enough for the person you love, then you will end up hurting yourself and that person. You will make them feel bad for not loving you enough, and if you end up harming yourself, it will hurt them even more. 

When you believe that you are not good enough, or don’t believe in your innate...

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How to Break Bad Habits and Start Winning

There are two truths to bad habits: 1. Everyone has as least one 2. They are hard to break. 

Even though bad habits plague everyone, very few people understand how bad habits affect their life. They keep you from living your life to the fullest. They are preventing you from achieving those goals you have set for yourself. Bad habits jeopardize your good health, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Bad habits are a waste of your time and energy. 

Why do you still have those bad habits? Perhaps that’s not the most important question to answer right now. Instead, you need to ask yourself this -- is there anything you can do to change

Why do you have bad habits?

Before you think about kicking those bad habits in order to change for life, it is crucial to understand how you got them in the first place. Understanding the cause of those bad habits will help you get rid of them for good. Changing for the better does not come easy. But...

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Bring Your Personality To The Table!

articles lifestyle Apr 30, 2020

Expressing ourselves as fully as possible is a fundamental reason that we came here to this planet. Our ability to express ourselves comes THROUGH our personality that we have chosen. More fully embracing our character - not hiding it or artificially changing it - releases much-trapped energy within us and allows us to feel more authentic emotions like joy and acceptance.

The problem is, essentially, that we live in a world that - on its surface - does not appear to support authentic expression. This illusion is SO STRONG we reinforce it by rewarding complicit and compliant behavior as well as ignoring or estranging behavior outside of what is considered the mainstream. The systems of business, politics, and governance are set up in this way - contributing to a society that is void of the personality and individual expression relative to its potential.

This is changing, much assisted with the advent of the internet and social media, where people can be rewarded - socially or...

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