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3 Things You Should Know About The NEW Moon (March 24th, 2020)

I know how things look.

Dark, grim, and up in the air.

Not a soul on this planet can say with confidence what's to come.

& yet... there exists inside each and every one of you a space that KNOWS...

A space that knows that what we're seeing is a manifestation of a very profound healing process taking place.

No longer will you, lightworker... need to quietly process in the shadows, alone.

It's time now that the whole of humanity experiences this wonderful shift into a higher vibration.

This is a monumental time long foreseen by the Earth's sages, seers, and channels.

The time of awakening is NOW.

Are you ready?

Indeed you are!

You are very well prepared for this my friend and have a lot to look forward to.

This New Moon is for you!

This New Moon is POWERFUL and will help you truly stand in your power, align with your purpose, and SHINE your light into a world that has been lost in the darkness for far too long.

Get Ready!

The show has just begun :)

1. A Time To Get & Stay In...

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How Do Subliminal Messages Affect Us?

articles energy updates Mar 08, 2020

There can't be very many creepier thoughts than to imagine our minds controlled by influences outside of our awareness. Is hidden information lurking around every sensory corner, vying for space and ascendance in our brain?

Subliminal messages are embedded signals below the absolute threshold level (ATL) of our conscious awareness. These messages represent "Being or employing stimuli insufficiently intense to produce a discrete sensation but often being or designed to be intense enough to influence the mental processes or the behavior of the individual."

In layman's terms, we couldn't detect these silent subliminals, even if we were looking for them.

How does Subliminal Perception Work?

Our minds perform dual functions simultaneously. While our conscious minds control executive functions and represent a relatively smaller amount of information processing, our subconscious thoughts are a more profound and extensive terrain. Within the subconscious, many physiologically automatic...

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3 Things You Should Know About The FULL Moon (March 9th, 2020)


The Full Moon happening on March 9th is an "adjustment period."

Albeit... a VERY powerful one :)

You are now adjusting to the NEW frequency... that you've cultivated in the recent months... (& that's why you're feeling this way)

A lot of people are feeling...potent emotions at this time.

Some of these emotions might not even make any sense... or seem to have a logical place in your life.

A lot of people are feeling a nudge to make a big shift in their life... but where... when... and how?

In spite of this... parallel to this powerful transformation is a growing awareness that you're doing it!

Sometimes life will stretch us out of our comfort zone to reveal to us a very special sensation... a tangible feeling and recognition that...

"I got this!"

I know you have emotions coming up... and perhaps stressful "life puzzles" you'd love to solve right now... and of course that unsettling feeling of complete uncertainty!

& yet...

Here you are my friend... perhaps enjoying a...

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3 Things You Should Know About The Pisces NEW Moon (February 23rd, 2020)


New moons typically represent NEW beginnings.

The New Moon happening on February 23rd represents that, PLUS a lot more.

It reminds me of when I was working as a personal trainer.

When a client would lose a significant amount of weight (25 pounds or more)…

I would take them through a little ritual to bring their accomplishment to their full awareness.

I would invite them to go pick up a weight equivalent to the amount the lost and carry it around for a few minutes.

After they displayed signs they were getting tired, I would have them place the weight on the floor.

I wanted them to FEEL the significance of what they’ve done.

I wanted them to EXPERIENCE just how far they’ve come.

I wanted them to swell up with pride and joy.

Their face would always light up! 

The reason I shared that is because this New Moon is a lot like that experience.

Sometimes you don’t know how much you’ve transformed because change happens gradually.

There are, however,...

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Connect with Your Inner Child this New Moon in Pisces

articles energy updates Feb 21, 2020


Every 29.5 days, we are given another chance. A fresh start with a pattern we would love to break. This gracious opportunity comes right on time with each New Moon. 12 to 13 times a year, we are gifted with such a moment. February 23rd is the day this time around. It occurs in early Pisces.

Aside from the basic energetics of tidal pull and the ebb and flows of qi through our lives, there are more complicated approaches to understanding the nuances of each lunation cycle. We do this by looking at the Moon's aspects to other planets. For instance, if a lunar cycle begins conjunct/or with Saturn, we could suspect heavy gravity and leaden feels throughout the cycle. If it were conjunct Jupiter, it could stretch our horizons into novel terrain, changing our perspective significantly. With this Moon, there are many favorable aspects to consider:

* It's close enough for a high five with Mercury who is currently retrograde, about to begin his own cycle three days after the New Moon


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The Powerful 2222 Numerology of February 2020


Throughout the month of February 2020, we have several dates with a profoundly significant!

Numerology Code!

The first was 02.02.2020…
Then comes 02.20.2020…
And finally 02.22.2020…


The combination of 2’s and 0’s in these dates point to the entire month of February, the second month of the year 2020, being a window of opportunity for accessing heightened intuition, and masterfully co-creating with Spirit, blessings of light into your life.

This is significant in terms of the opportunity available in the month of February, but also shines an extra layer of insight into the opportunity available to us all throughout the year of 2020 as a whole.

The way I came to this conclusion, is through a combination of intuition and looking at the numerology

meaning of 2, and 0.


Numerology of 0

Zero represents pure potentiality. Zero represents the One Infinite Source of All That Is and the infinite potential that is accessible to you through...

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Everything You Need to Know About the the February 9th Full Moon

articles energy updates Feb 05, 2020

.: That Leo Full Moon "Feathered Expressions" :.

On February 9th we will experience the second Full Moon of 2020.  The first was a Lunar Eclipse, so with this one, there will be no dragons involved (Rahu & Ketu/The Nodes of the Moon).  It will be at the 20th degree of Leo and it's exactly at 7:33 am UT.  As is the case with all Full Moons, we must first understand where the lunation began.  Context is everything.

This lunation began on January 24th at the 4th degree of Aquarius.  An important degree in the Great Wheel because all the planets currently restructuring reality in Capricorn will be crossing it in the months to come.  Saturn will be the first when he moves into Aquarius in late March.  Then Jupiter at years end.  Pluto won't plug into this electricity until 2023, but still, it's a place where the entire "Boneyard" is headed.  Most importantly, the "once-in-every-twenty year" conjunction between Jupiter & Saturn will...

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What is Imbolc? Learn About One of the Most Potent Winter Ceremonies.

Many of our most loved and cherished modern holidays and seasonal festivities harken back to the ancient peoples of Europe- particularly the Celtic people. Celebrations finding their origins in ancestral Europe include Yule and Christmas, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Halloween, May Day, and the list goes on. One lesser-known celebration of significance to the Celtic tribes is known as Imbolc. The word means ‘in the womb’ or Oimelc, meaning ‘ewe’s milk,’ about the birth of the first new livestock signaling the beginning of spring and initiating a time of relief at the returning light of the sun, a source of sustenance precious and sacred to the ancients.

The Celtic Wheel of the Year

The Celtic year revolved around two major themes of significance; the alignment of the sun relative to the Earth and the phases of the agricultural process of sowing, planting, harvesting, and resting. In those times, everyday life and survival depended...

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Spirit Science 37_1 ~ Spiritual Money


“Money is a needful and precious thing, and when well used, a noble idea, but I never want you to think it is the first or only prize to strive for. - Louisa May Alcott


What’s the first thing you think of or feel when you hear that word? Is it Grief? Joy? Anger? Think about it. Does the phrase money inspire positive or negative feelings? Or, maybe you’re that one person in the bunch who's like “

I recently surveyed people who subscribed to the Spirit Science email list and asked a full number of questions, one of which was “what do you struggle most with in life?”. The number one highest response was you guessed it - Finances. This told me it was time, at long last, that we have a candid spiritual discussion about money. See if we can’t change our relationship with money. I mean, what would happen if there were like, a hundred thousand benevolent spiritual millionaires using their resources to make a massive and...

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2020 Year of the Rat Chinese Astrological Forecast

As we move towards the end of January, the Chinese New Year is upon us. Unlike the Western calendar that begins anew on January 1 every year, the Chinese New Year falls on January 25. The Chinese zodiac follows a 12-year repeating cycle. Every year one of 12 animals becomes the foremost influential energy for the year ahead, with the 12 animal years always progressing in the same recurrent order. This year of 2020 is the first year in a 12 year cycle and is the year of the metal rat. As we will see, 2020 promises to be a year of new beginnings, business opportunities, and the planting of seeds for the upcoming 12 years. 

Quick Background on the Chinese Zodiac 

Though there are a few variations, the legend of how the animals became assigned to the twelve years in the cycle continues to be one of the most widely spread tales regarding the zodiac. According to legend, the Jade Emperor decreed that the animals were to be chosen as calendrical signs, challenging that the first...

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