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Techniques To Overcome Fear Of Public Speaking

The primary benefits of overcoming the fear of public speaking accrue NOT within the area of public speaking.

You realize that overcoming any fear is not about the ability to do what you are fearful of, but rather that overcoming your fear is a direct communication to your subconscious that you cannot be stopped from fulfilling your desires. Anyone can speak publicly so long as they can talk. This realization that fears being conquered is a step toward a more easeful, prosperous, happy life can be THE motivating factor.

Get In The Flow

Practice talking about a topic that you know a lot about.

Know that your personality is what needs to come out. Therefore, if you feel nervous speaking up in a meeting or to a group, this is not a BAD thing. There is just stagnant energy that wants to be moved. Getting in the flow is a prerequisite.

Particularly with public speaking, there is a particular aspect of overcoming this fear. There is a reason that it is one of the most common phobias. This...

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How To Navigate The Last Mercury Retrograde Of The Year

articles astrology energy Oct 01, 2020

Written by Joe G. Santos

"As above so below." We most likely have all heard this saying at least once in our lives. These contrasting realms incessantly mimic one another in a glorious epic, and Astrology is the study that aims at demystifying that connection. It helps us navigate the invisible energies from the "above" that affect us down here in the "below." This year (2020) is the host of many resplendent astrological events, which may come to no surprise considering our world's current state. Among these events, there are the much talked about retrogrades. When talking about retrogrades, a specific celestial body gets the spotlight: Mercury, possibly due to how often it goes through this process. Still, all planets go through the same phase—albeit not as often. This year, every planet goes retrograde at least once, with Neptune and Mars' overlapping with the last Mercury retrograde for the year. This event will be taking place on October 14th. Since other retrogrades are...

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Guide To Overcome Fear Of Rejection

Rejection, no matter what form it takes or who it comes from, hurts. There is no getting around it. 

Every person wants to belong with those they truly care about. Feeling rejected by these people can hurt you so bad that you can’t imagine getting over it. Whether it is a friendship, a relationship, or a job, rejection is never a pleasant experience. 

How Does Rejection Affect You?

The pain of being rejected can cause a cut that’s so deep it could leave you broken for a while. Did you know that rejection has the same effect on you as that of physical pain? It triggers the same part of the brain that makes you ache when you are physically hurt. 

There is no denying why a lot of people have that fear of not being good enough. They dread the thought of being rejected. If you have experienced it at least once or twice in your life, you probably do not want it to happen again. 

Perhaps it has made you stronger than you thought you...

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The 8 Crystals That Bring Fortune

When was the last time you felt like you won the lottery? A time you felt so good about your life that you couldn't think of anything negative at that very moment. It felt like everything just fell into place. 

But when you feel like you are experiencing all the bad things in the world, you tend to blame it on other people. Sometimes, you even blame the Universe for not giving you what you want. But then, when you consult experts, they will tell you that if you are feeling all that bad luck, the first thing you need to look into is yourself. 

Make an honest assessment of where you are at the moment. What are your predominant thoughts? After all, if you believe in your thoughts' power, then you should know that the energy of your thoughts can affect your life. While adjusting your thoughts can do wonders, taking advantage of the counterpart energy in crystals can give you a boost.

What Are Crystals Good For?

Good luck crystals often bring you good energy....

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How Yoga Can Help Keep Your Heart Healthy

Yoga has always been associated with focus and flexibility. People who engage in yoga speak of the many benefits that they enjoy by doing it. Not only has it helped them improve their attention, but it has allowed their body to become flexible in so many ways. 

But little do people know that yoga can be good for their cardiovascular health too. There are heart yoga poses that help improves a person’s heart and health

What Makes Yoga Healthy For You?

The practice of yoga dates back to ancient times. It involves holding one’s body and moving through a series of poses, each one targeting to improve a specific part of the body. While it may be focused on improving strength and flexibility, it also comes with breathing and meditation exercises to help achieve a calm mind. 

The stretches and the various poses in yoga help in reducing chronic pain, and many of these are weight-bearing postures, which means they help strengthen the bones and...

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The 10 Best Foods For A Stronger Mind

The foods that you put inside your body says a lot about how healthy or unhealthy you are. The food has a significant impact on the health and structure of the brain too. Eating foods that boost your brain's health can support both short and long-term functions of the brain. 

How Much Food Does Your Brain Need?

Foods that boost brain power should be a regular part of your daily meals. Little do people know that the brain is an energy-intensive organ, which means that it utilizes about 20% of the calories that you put inside your body. Can you imagine how much calories it needs to help keep your brain focused?

Apart from the total amount of calories that the brain needs to function, it also requires certain nutrients to keep it healthy. For example, consuming Omega-3 fatty acids help in the repair and building of new brain cells. The antioxidants in the food that you eat help reduce cellular inflammation and stress. 

All-natural brain enhancers are...

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Tips To Practice Mindfulness At Work

How do you take care of your health? Your everyday mindfulness is the key to keeping yourself healthy inside and out. When you are mindful, you begin to take notice of all the details in your life. 

You become more conscious of what you put inside your body. You begin to make healthier choices in terms of food and drinks. In the process, you also start to get more sleep and engage in activities to help you become more active. 

While there are many ways to practice mindfulness, being mindful at work is one of the best things you can train yourself to do. After all, you spend almost half of your day at the office, and it means that you need to be in control of what you do and think while you are there to keep a balanced life. 

But how do you begin being mindful in the workplace

What The Workplace Used To Be

In the past, when people went to work, they had this mindset that they were there to slave themselves to do as much work as they...

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How To Not Waste Time?

articles lifestyle Sep 28, 2020

Each of us has what it takes to utilize time most effectively and efficiently as possible. The secret is desire.

There is no arguing that one of the essential variables in fulfilling our desires is our ability to manage our time. There are many methods for time management—and perhaps an even higher number of technological tools. The problem that many people have is that they do not allow themselves to become obsessed with something, to desire it so much that time works for them, not the other way around. The solution is to channel that inner flow state as much as possible in the direction of one's goals and ambitions.


What is it that you desire? How deeply do you want it? Don't look at this desire as something that you must give up other things to achieve, but rather, stay in the wanting of it. This desire to be a better person, to hold a particular title, to maintain a deeper connection with your spouse, to create a more exciting life—these are all strong...

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How Can I Love People More?

The experience that many people are having where they desire MORE out of their relationships—intimate, family, friendships, coworkers—is a reflection of wishing more out of life . . . desiring a depth of experience that has been suppressed. We are having the feeling of wanting to love people more—to have a deeper, more authentic connection with our friends and family—because we also desire to connect more within ourselves.

The Big Issue

The problem that many people have is that they do not know how to love themselves. Therefore they do not know how to love someone else. That's it. While there is not a right or wrong way to express your love, the more attentive we are to our own emotions, the more ability we have to be careful about that of others. We can find a more in-depth connection with others by connecting more genuinely within ourselves first, or simultaneously.

Work Through Your Blocks

The practice of working through our ideal self-image and our...

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Find Out How You Can Use Tarot To Explain Your Dreams

Have you recently found yourself interested in tarot cards? Whatever your reasons may be, learning to use and read the tarot cards may be one of the best things you can do for yourself. 

In truth, the reading of tarot cards is not just about predicting future outcomes and what could happen next. Instead, it is about strengthening your intuition, allowing you to discover what else you can do to improve yourself holistically. 

Tarot Cards Can Be Used To Interpret Dreams Too

Did you know that one of the uses of tarot cards is to help interpret dreams? While every vision is different, the cards will reveal the message that the subconscious is trying to send. 

But how do you do a card reading to help you understand what the details of your dream represent? First, you must take hold of the cards and be honest with your intentions. This will ensure that the cards will reveal only messages that are related to your plans. 

For every reading of the ...

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