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What Will Happen To Your Body If You Drink Milk Tea Everyday

Drinking tea is a highly regarded tradition in many customs and cultures. Even the thought of drinking tea brings to mind images of quintessential teacups with floral designs, a small tea kettle, and a cute little stove, and maybe a classic novel in one hand. 

But modern times have made tea drinking even more popular. Various milk tea flavors are now available in the market, each one trying to create a distinct experience in the mouth. Now, there is more than one way to experience tea drinking with a little bit of twist. 

What's In A Cup Of Tea?

Nutrition can be a very tricky subject to look into. It seems everyone is looking for the next best superfood to include in their diet. Their health goals range from those who want healthier skin to those who want to lose weight. 

One of the most popular drinks today is the traditional tea. People have learned to consume tea as opposed to coffee because it is believed to have numerous benefits for the...

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The Incredible Effects Of Meditation To Look Younger

Have you been looking for the best anti-aging product in the market? Perhaps you have spent a lot of time browsing through catalogs wondering which product would work well for you. While some may think it is pure vanity to think of anti-aging products, much thought comes with the desire to look younger than your age. 

How do you slow down the process of aging? It is one of the most asked questions both by men and women. It is from this thought that those age-defying creams and other products are born. 

But little do people know that among the beauty tips for face glow, there is one practice that proves to be truly effective. One of the best anti-aging techniques is meditation. 

Can Meditation Help Prevent Aging?

The answer to this question is short and sweet. Yes. 

There is such a thing as beauty meditation. It is the practice of meditation that helps slow down the aging process. You don’t even need to meditate very long every day. But...

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Couples Yoga: A Step Towards A Healthy Relationship


More and more people are becoming interested in practicing yoga, and there’s a good reason for this. Some of the benefits of yoga include relieving stress, feeling calmer, and having a more toned body. You’ll also notice that you’re much stronger and more flexible than ever, both physically and mentally. Studies have shown that regular yoga practice can also help treat insomnia and even prevent diabetes.  

If you think of it, yoga is traditionally something that’s done individually. You can practice correct breathing and stretch on your yoga mat, and simply enjoy the present moment. But the benefits you can get from yoga could go beyond getting a healthier body and mind. You can also try beginners couples yoga, which you can do with your significant other. 

What Is Couples Yoga?

Couples yoga is also called partner yoga, and the idea is that you and your yoga partner will perform yoga positions for two. Through this...

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Numerology Helps You Discover Your Soulprint

articles numerology Aug 13, 2020

Do you believe that numbers are the real universal language? What do the numbers in your life, like your age and your birthday, reveal about who you are? It is interesting to learn more about numerology meanings and the very essence of truth that they come with. 

Numerology is the language that allows you to discover more about yourself. It lifts you to the horizon so that you can gain more of your spiritual awareness

Apart from the fact that it is about numbers, what else do you know about numerology? How can it help you learn more about who you are inside? 

Discovering The Beauty Of Numerology

Whether you are new to numerology or know a bit more than others, there are a few things about the practice of it that you need to know. There is a list of facts about numerology number meanings that can go on like the range of A to Z. 

However, there is a basic fact about numerology that you need to understand. It works within a range of 1...

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How Can You Protect Yourself From Negative Energy At Work?

Negativity is such an easy emotion to spread around. Whether you are at home, school, or in the office, it is relatively easy for the people around you to make you feel bad about something. But you need to learn how to get protection from negative energy

Being around negativity is never easy. Working your way around it always poses a challenge. It not only affects your peace of mind but to your overall well-being. Negativity can be toxic and downright detrimental if you don’t protect yourself.

What Can Negativity Do To You?

Pessimism fosters a cynical mindset. Eventually, it develops into a fatalism that ultimately makes you feel like everything that you do is bound to fail. 

If you are surrounded by negative energy from the people around you, whether your partner, friend, coworker, or family member, you must learn how to protect yourself; do not engage as you could absorb all the negative energy. 

Being around a negative person...

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The Quantum Hermetica 5: Near-Death Experiences

articles metaphysics Aug 12, 2020

Written by Mark Pattini

In the first two blogs, we looked over the principles which established the foundation of Hermetic science, and in turn, how the two could be converted into modern physics by way of the digital universe concept. The world is not physical, as our senses would lead us to believe. Instead, spacetime is an illusory construction, which is shown to emerge from the mind by way of integrated information and quantum cognition.

Furthermore, the consciousness it emerges from is not primarily our own. Instead, our minds are embedded within a larger collective inner space, which lies mostly subconscious to us. It is this larger joint internal mental space that the "simulation construct" of physical reality emerges from.

These two basic facts about the world neatly summarize the core concepts encapsulated by the Principles of Mentalism and Correspondence, and can be referenced here in the earlier blogs on these topics:

Part 1: ...

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How Graphotherapy Can Transform Your Life

What is graphotherapy, and how can it transform your life? Graphotherapy is a process by which conscious alterations to your handwriting process can be done to affect the desired change in your personality subconsciously. 

Graphotherapy, or also known as graphical re-learning, is a branch of graphology whose goal is to modify a person's graphical gesture. It is done consciously, but its expected effect is aimed at the subconscious level. The desired changes in the personality of an individual are what is targeted in the process. 

Its main goal is to improve one's chances of bringing about many changes in their lives. While it may be your first time talking to a handwriting expert, it will not be your last.

How Does Your Handwriting Affect You?

Normally, when you write, your brain is in charge of sending the message to the nerves in your arms and your hand. In this process, the brain controls what you write and how the message will be put together. 


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Why Athletes Need Meditation

Every person who has ever engaged in sports knows that the biggest obstacle they have to deal with is what's going on inside their heads. While their physical strength seems to take the lead, their mental and psychological health should never take the back seat. 

The stress that comes with every game, not to mention the lack of focus, could make it easy for the athlete to get caught up and make mistakes. It could significantly affect their athletic performance

But is there a way to overcome such obstacles? Is there a way to beat this opponent? This is where the importance of meditation comes into play. 

Why Athletes Should Be Meditating

Meditation has recently gained popularity as more and more people discover the many benefits that come from it. Apart from the usual practitioners of yoga, trainers, and life coaches, athletes are slowly learning how meditation can help them push themselves closer to their goals.

Pressure—that's one of the...

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Powerful Healing Mantras For Illness And Disease

Mantras are known as sounds and vibrations that help create or achieve a certain desired effect. Whether it is healing, transformation, or self-awareness, mantras act as a prayer over your body or your life. Some say that repetition of a mantra can help cure everything. 

Mantras come with practical uses that you can try, each one promises to make life better. Since it is everyone’s goal to achieve a peaceful life, living with a mantra helps achieve precisely that. 

The Role Of Mantras In Life

Is there a mantra to cure incurable diseases? It may sound like a surprise to non-believers, but mantras can become powerful tools to help cure many illnesses. 

Everything in life and all that is created in nature comes with a sound or revel in their vibration. Every flower, tree, and every single part of your body produces a sound, a unique one of its own. 

Even the emotions that you feel like joy, abundance, happiness, and love all have...

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The Origins Of Palm Reading

articles energy updates Aug 10, 2020

What do you know about palm reading? While it may be one of the most popular divination practices, there is a lot that people do not know about palmistry. Its origins are as magical as the practice itself. 

Chiromancy, or most popularly known as palm reading, is one of the most highly regarded divination tools. While its precise origins remain unknown, the study of its origins points to an ancient Indian civilization. From there, it spread to China, Tibet, Greece, and ancient Egypt. In fact, the great thinker, Aristotle, shared a few things he knew about palm reading. In his view, he believed that the lines in the human hands are there for a reason. 

Looking Into The History Of Palm Reading

In the Middle Ages, the practice of palm reading seemingly got lost. It drowned when all the other personality assessment tools were discovered. But palmistry had its great revival during the 19th century. 

During the 19th century, interest in the...

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