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How To Transform Your Mindset During Work Tasks

You are busy. You have a long list of things you need to do. You spend the whole day doing the things that need to be done. You feel tired at the end of the day, but you don't feel fulfilled at all. So, have you been productive? 

Perhaps you have equated exhaustion with the idea of productivity. When you feel tired at the end of the day, that means you have done everything you could to become productive in your own right. But is this true? Does it apply to all? 

When you ask yourself how to have a productive day, do you only have work-related tasks in mind? Or do you also consider all the personal things you also take care of during the day? 

When it comes to mindset management, one of the things that you should learn to do is to disassociate tiredness with productivity. It is not one and the same. You can feel tired even if you have not truly accomplished the task at hand. 

How did you go about the day? Your mindset is what controls...

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The Beauty Of Being Alone

Did you know that a significant number of people all over the world are still afraid of being alone? Maybe to an extent, all of us have this unexplainable fear of being left on our own. 

People fear the thought of living without family or friends. Some worry about growing old alone, or not being intimate with anyone. We have this fear of traveling to a new place and getting lost because we have no one to ask directions. People think that when they are alone, they are a failure.  

Although it is natural to fear being alone, you must learn to be alone. We desperately try to avoid feeling this fear, but it sometimes comes naturally for humans to want to be with other people. 

Sadly, this trepidation causes many people unnecessary misery. In their desire to avoid being alone, they socialize most of the time, whether in person, face to face, or through social media sites. To prevent growing old alone, they marry someone they barely know and end up in an...

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The Method To A Balanced Life

Why is it essential to achieve a well-balanced life? Making a good life is much like a balancing act. You are always just one step away from taking a fall. As you continuously try to push yourself forward to hopefully achieve your life’s purpose, you are also trying to keep harmony in the other aspects of your life. 

The importance of work-life balance is often overlooked. People tend to give more energy to their work and shortchange the other aspects of their life. Though this is common practice, it is not something that should be continuously done. Because in the end, something will have to give. 

The best thing to do is take on areas of your life that are eating too much energy and put them in perspective. Ask yourself, why does it require more from you? Align your perspectives and keep everything within the right balance. Soon, you will have enough energy to cover everything you need. 

How Can I Get Help?

Perhaps the first thing that you...

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Reasons Why People Procrastinate And How To Stop It

articles lifestyle Jul 12, 2020

Everyone procrastinates. No matter how young or old you are, we all find ways to delay a few tasks until they are due. 

Perhaps you have decided to put off working on a big project at work by working on the easier, less critical tasks on your docket. They give you a sense of accomplishment because you can complete them quickly. And yet, at the back of your mind, you know that you still have to work on that big task, and it's going to require a lot from you. 

To be honest, you know that you will have to deal with the effects of procrastination at the end of the day. However, you know how to solve your problem. You simply have to identify the most crucial task of the day, clear away everything else, and break it down into smaller, more manageable tasks.

These are not easy solutions, but whatever solutions you choose to utilize, they only work if you keep yourself aware of what you are and are not doing. Simply put, you won't be able to ...

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How To Practice Selfless Compassion

articles self-care Jul 11, 2020

While there's the desire to show compassion to everyone we meet, a side of you also seems to feel otherwise for some people. You find it easier to dislike them because their existence irritates you. But what is it about them that you find irritating?

Learning how to be selfless is difficult. It is a challenge not because you don't want to do it, but because you've become too focused on yourself. 

When you begin to demand things to be like this and like that and don't get away with what you want, you feel you are not getting what you deserve. 

But have you ever thought of the fact that maybe the problem is not other people? Perhaps the problem is that you demand too much from others. 

When Are You Most Selfish?

Learning how to be less selfish all begins by recognizing the moments when you are most self-centered. These moments usually come in the form of thoughts before you decide to turn them into actions and reactions.

Here is a list of the selfish thoughts that fill...

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Creativity Advice To Keep In Mind

Creating beautiful things out of the ordinary is one of the best gifts humans have. Creative building inspires people to look at the simple and make something beautiful out of it. Ordinary situations are turned into learning opportunities whenever creative minds start to wonder about something new. 

Creativity, after all, is all about finding new approaches to things. It is about learning how to make something new out of a given situation. While others may think that it’s a gift restricted only to artists, writers, musicians, it is actually a life process that applies to everyone. 

How do you give yourself a creativity boost? Here are some creative thinking activities that can help you:

Tip 1: Creativity requires commitment

The first and most crucial step to take is for you to give creativity some time. Devote an hour or two of your days to developing your creative abilities. Do not put off your effort and think that the muse will just come to you. It is something...

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How To Deal With Tasks That You Don't Want To Do


When you have a task on hand that you really don't want to do, how do you make yourself do it? Sometimes, when you tell yourself to suck it up, it works. Your fear of failure or of getting in trouble with your higher-ups is enough to motivate you. 

However, there are other times when you procrastinate and decide to push the task to a later time. You think you have a lot of time in your hands to do it . . . until you don't. Instead, you need to teach yourself how to motivate your mind and push forward to complete the task. 

Why Are There Tasks You Don't Like?

Procrastinating at work has become a common problem among office people. They put off doing the work that needs to be done for several reasons. Some say that they are in no mood to work and that the feeling will just pass. But then when this behavior goes on for days, weeks, and months, time is no longer on their side. 

But why are there tasks that people simply dislike...

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The Art Of Staying In Deep Focus

When you are setting out to work on something significant, you look into the task plan out how to achieve it in the fastest possible way. You focus your mind on it, and something interesting truly happens. It's like you've been transformed into a productivity machine. 

But it isn't always as easy as that. Putting everything you've got into one task can take its toll on you. Eventually, you may feel like your focus is pulled in several different directions, and you feel ungrounded deep inside. This feeling can divert your attention from your responsibilities and goals, leaving you emotionally drained.

What are you going to do? How are you going to get back on track?

Since our minds are trained to always seek for stability, it has become a challenge to accept that their lives are currently unstable.

What Are The Signs Of Instability?

When you easily give in to distractions and cannot seem to focus, you can consider yourself unstable. Some people turn to...

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Becoming Fearless

How do you spend your days when it seems you have more time in your hands? Perhaps this thought never crossed your mind because you never really had the chance to stop and smell the flowers. With all the things that you need to get done, there isn’t any time to stop and meditate. 

But it isn’t the packed schedule or the long list of things-to-do that hinder you from enjoying your sweet spare time. You have become afraid of having some extra time in your hands because you don’t know what to do with it. 

You have become afraid of the empty space in your life. 

The busy schedule, constant distraction, the lack of focus, and the lack of satisfaction in your life often leaves you with so much more than you can handle. 

You end up running from one task to another. Instead of enjoying the spaces between the tasks, the moments of solitude and stillness, you end up filling the gaps with activities. You think of something useful to do. You have...

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Chakra Colors And Meanings: A Beginner's Guide

articles energy updates Jul 09, 2020

There are seven chakras: Muladhara, Svadisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddi, and Ajna. Each chakra correlates to a specific location on your body, starting from your coccyx, to just below your navel, above your navel (your belly), your heart, your throat, and the top of your head (your crown). 

What Is A Chakra?

Many cultures believe that energy travels through the body, similar to how our blood flows. This energy moves much like the wind, or a stream, and is continuously in flux. 

A chakra is an energy center or a point in the body where life-energy tends to form and gather. In Hinduism, this energy is called Prana, and in traditional Chinese culture, Qui. 

Balance vs. Imbalance

Balanced chakras can be a source of some of our most noble feelings, and allow us to express our Higher Self.

Imbalanced chakras can cause excess fear, anger, confusion, chronic pain, and even a loss of self. This happens when a chakra is wounded (your heart, for example). An imbalance can...

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