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7 Tools to Help Heal Emotional Pain

Though you may escape this season having dodged the flu or without falling prey to the common cold, it’s nearly impossible to traverse through the social dimensions of everyday life without suffering the frequent scrapes, scratches, and injuries to which the emotional body is prone.

Guy Winch, a Psychology today Blogger, recently released a new book, Emotional First Aid, in which he likens the emotional body to our physical body in its tendency to accumulate injuries, scars, and illnesses along the way. Anything from self-imposed guilt and criticism, to social rejection and loneliness to the extremes of trauma or the deep grief of loss can be the source of wounds and depletions to
our emotional well-being.

Yet just as our flesh and blood are widely able to self-repair given proper rest, nutrition, and mindset, so too can our emotional wounds and losses be mended. Winch uses metaphors of physical injuries to propose strategic cures for the hits our emotions take over the course...

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5 Things You Should Know About The Full Moon Eclipse on Jan 10th, 2020

articles energy updates Jan 08, 2020

On January 10th, 2020 we have a BIG significant astrological alignment taking place.

Many of you are probably already feeling it!
Do you feel like life is speeding up?
Do you feel a little run down?
Are your emotions running hot?
Are you experiencing a lot of uncertainty?
If so, this is GREAT news!

I know how crazy that sounds by the way, but these are all symptoms that TWO things
have recently happened in your life.

Number One: Your Vibration has increased (substantially)... and this is why it feels like life is happening faster than you can manage. You’re revving higher and experience life
faster... and when you adjust (and you always do :)... your life on all levels will have
improved dramatically!

Number Two: As a result of an increased vibrational frequency... you, by definition, have been inundated with A LOT more “awareness.” That’s right, you’re... suddenly... significantly more conscious than you were, perhaps even yesterday!

THIS can lead to racy...

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The Energy Download You Need to Know for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse this Friday

articles energy updates Jan 07, 2020

The Full Moon is a powerful time to tap to come together with the collective with a specific intention. This Full Moon is not for the light-hearted because this is not only a Full Moon (in the emotional sign of Cancer no doubt) but also a Lunar Eclipse!

The Full Moon energy charges the yang or more active energies of the subconscious while the Eclipse energies surface what has been hidden in the darkness. The Full Moon will be in the zodiac sign of Cancer, which is the natural ruler of the Moon. The lunar energies will be particularly strong.


Think of how the Moon is able to control the waters of the ocean through the tides. Water in the elemental kingdom is synonymous to the emotional realm. This time expect to feel like there is an internal magnifying glass on your emotional world! The combination of the Eclipse energies will most likely unearth what needs to be cleansed and healed within you.

This ...

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The 6 Stages of Disease According to Ayurvedic Medicine

Two people walk into a health clinic; one is an elderly man of 72. He is a tall and thin man with naturally fair skin, his hands and feet are often cold, at night his mind races and he suffers insomnia, he tends to have dry skin and his hair has always been thin and fine, his digestion is typically very sensitive. He’s at the Doctors office today for a skin outbreak that is itchy and red.

The other individual is in her early forties; she has what might be called a medium or athletic build, tends to have oilier skin, a strong appetite, a quick temper, and is hungry often. She is also at the doctor today for a rash that is red and itchy.

In a modern Western medical clinic and the doctor diagnoses both patients with eczema and prescribes both patients with the same steroid cream- a solution that does not address cause but causes the rash to go away, at least temporarily.

Stories like this are familiar to those of us in the west or, indeed, the westernized and modern world in...

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The Incredible Channelings of Edgar Cayce on Atlantis

articles spirit history Dec 28, 2019

The famed ancient city of Atlantis never fails to stroke the imagination of the modern world; a city shrouded in the mists of time, steeped in mystery and legend and yet glimmering with tantalizing hints of archeology and coincidence compelling enough to keep this exotic story alive and well in the collective mind.

The first information on the ancient fallen civilization of Atlantis came from the Greek philosopher Plato who lived around 428 to 348 BCE. Plato was most famous for his analysis of the human condition, and skeptics believe he created the story of Atlantis as a metaphor for humanity. Others, however, consider it to be a legitimate part of history whose hard factual evidence is yet to be found. In the 19th century, U.S. congressman Ignatius L. Donnelly wrote about it in Atlantis: The Antediluvian World, a text which re-kindled the fire of interest over the topic of Atlantis.

More recently, one of the fascinating sources of information about Atlantis came from a well-known...

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Mercury Retrograde Can Help You Grow

Each of the planets closely associated with earth has its energetic associations, astrological pairings, and affiliation with particular deities and astrologers have long studied and followed the movements and patterns of the planets in our solar system to gain insight into the human condition and to predict events and energies in the collective.

Mercury has considered the planet of communication, and many of us are very familiar with the popularly dreaded phenomenon of ‘mercury retrograde.’ This is a planetary event that occurs about three times per year, during which time the planet Mercury moves backward in its standard orbit, seemingly retracing its steps backward through time and space.

Many people and astrologers alike recognize that when Mercury moves in this reverse fashion, the energies under the influence of Mercury shift their normal flow and dynamic. Most commonly, many people report ‘communication breakdown’ both inter-personally and also in...

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Four Steps that Combine your Breath with Crystals to Powerful Heal

When healing occurs, through whom or what is it conducted? Is the person, place, or being receiving the healing responsible? Is the healing tool, or is the healer? We could say that the magic of a transformative healing dynamic occurs when the person or party being healed is willing and participating and present for their healing. When the healer is committed and open for healing to flow through them, and when appropriate tools are used properly with integrity. Many times it has been said that regardless of all the remarkable healing tools available to us today, the healer him- or her-self is the true instrument of healing.

This philosophy seems to be reflected by the famous and groundbreaking work of crystal healing innovator Dr. Marcel Vogel. Dr. Vogel was a renowned researcher who worked at the IBM San Jose Research center, his life of intensive research earning him an honorary title of Doctor and his unique and groundbreaking research into the use of quartz crystals for healing...

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How to Heal Yourself through Out of Body Experience

What if you could shed the cares of this world, of your everyday life, like worn garments to the laundry basket, and fly free even for a few hours?

Like a bird soaring far above, seeing everything from a broad and unique perspective, you would be temporarily free to explore a realm outside of the usual or perhaps one deeply embedded within yourself. This idea certainly appeals to many of us and can be possible by employing a technique or experience commonly called ‘astral projection.’

Let’s take a more in-depth look at what this experience looks like and how it could benefit our personal growth. In esoteric and energetic realms of study, the human being is a multidimensional being. Not just ‘flesh and blood’ as we understand it but also an interweaving of soul, spirit, and the astral-body, coexisting to create the experience of who we are on many levels at once. The astral is described as the layer or facet of our being that sort of links or lies...

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7 Must Have Crystals in Your Collection

articles lifestyle Dec 18, 2019

More ancient than the oldest civilizations, yet emergent as one of the new leading interests of modern time, healing crystals and stones are a timeless fixture of human society and life. Crystals have likely never before seen such an explosion of popularity and desirability on a worldwide market both as jewelry and spiritual talismans as well as décor and collector’s items. New mineral specimens are regularly being discovered and studied as the ever-shifting layers of our implacable home planet reveal what is created through weathering, volcanic activity, and tectonic shifting.


Yet with what seems like an incredible peak in interest towards crystal healing and the use or carrying of stones for empowerment, protection or spiritual self-development, the sheer variety in stones can seem overwhelming. Where to begin?


Crystal expert and author Nicholas Pearson dives deeply into the study of the crystal and mineral realm. Both from the perspective of mythology...

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Minute Faith ~ Eastern Orthodoxy

The existence of Eastern Orthodoxy and the Roman Catholic Church are a result of what is known as the Great Schism of 1054 when medieval Christianity split into 2 branches. In the events leading up to the Schism, the relations between the east and western European churches were becoming more distant. The West, in this case, encompassed Western Europe and the northern and western areas of the Mediterranean, led by Rome. The East took up Asia Minor, the Middle East, and Northern Africa, lead by Constantinople.

The language was a huge part of it, over time and as civilizations advanced, most Patriarchs in Constantinople couldn’t read any Latin, and most Popes in Rome couldn’t read any greek. There was also that Michael Cerularius, the Patriarch of Constantinople and Pope St. Leo the 9th of Rome, were not friends, and both shared in writing many mean letters to each other.

On top of this, there was the Filioque debate. The Western Church believed that the Holy Spirit of the...

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