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Spirit Science 10 ~ The Math of God

Patchman begins the exploration into the Math of God by describing the Phi ratio, also known as the golden ratio. It is a perfect, infinite ratio that can be found everywhere in nature. From flowers, animals, and ancient buildings, all the way to our very bodies, this perfect ratio can be found everywhere.

In a simple description, it is the natural structure and proportions that all life grows through.

The next sequence we explore is called the Fibonacci sequence, which is life’s way of creating the golden mean. It’s created by adding the previous number to the current one, and continues on forever, which gets closer and closer to the phi ratio but never quite making it to full perfection. This idea is fundamental to an essential spiritual philosophy – honoring the imperfections of life and striving for perfection, and knowing that we will never quite get there because the road and journey through lifetimes and beyond is an infinite journey with an infinite number...

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Spirit Science 11_1 ~ Evolution

In this episode, Patchman explores the expansion of human consciousness and the evolution of humanity. Over the course of history, mankind has evolved through many ideologies, religions and belief systems, and have now evolved to a point scientifically and technologically which has allowed us to begin seeing each other in a new way. If that wasn’t enough though, with the shifting of the procession of the equinox, our global awakening and shifting are inevitable, and well underway.

A great event that led to us being here was actually the rediscovery of the works of Thrice Great Hermes in 14th Century Florence, Italy. This literature sparked a tremendous revolution which today we call the Renaissance (which translates to Rebirth, a concept intimately tethered to Hermeticism). After this period, we began to shift from religion to science to seek out answers. However, in the process of shifting to a more practical and physical understanding, we ended up grouping ideas such as...

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Spirit Science 11_11 ~ Dna Activation

In this episode, we explore DNA Activation and the amazing shift we are undergoing as a collective consciousness. Our DNA is changing constantly, it is something that is happening actively, not passively. In another way of looking at it, it means you must participate in your own ascension – it won’t just happen to you, but through you!

If you are simply waiting for a large shift to happen within you, without doing anything to raise your awareness, the jump in consciousness isn’t going to very profound.

If we continue to eat unhealthy foods, absorb low-vibing-TV and take actions out of anger and fear, the process of our DNA shifting will take much longer. We need to treat our bodies with the utmost respect, for even in many scriptures it describes “Your body is a sacred temple”.

The double helix is only the very surface of our DNA sequence. Modern science is only beginning to scratch the surface of how intricate our DNA really is, and goes much deeper...

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Spirit Science 12 ~ The Hidden Human History Movie

The Spirit Science Human History movie is one of the most popular spirit science videos ever made, and for good reason. This video dives into and fully explores an alternate version of our own human history that connects a lot of dots that up until now, seemed as if random anomalies of the human race.

This is a story that derives from two primary sources. The first is the lost Sumerian Tablets, which were a collection of thousands upon thousands of clay tablets that were dug out of the ground in ancient biblical cities that were thought never to have existed. These tablets tell a remarkable story about our own history, who we are, where we have come from, and where we are going.

The second primary source of this story is a man named Drunvalo Melchizedek, who describes his experience meeting in the flesh a remarkable human has known most commonly as Thoth, or Hermes.

According to Thoth, he experienced this tale in person, and because of his level of consciousness, had been able to...

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Spirit Science 13 ~ The Crystal Movie

This crystal movie is multiple episodes all wrapped up into a beautiful movie for you to enjoy. It’s all about crystals, their properties and how they work!

To understand how crystals work, it’s important to embody the understanding that everything is fundamentally one energy, everything vibrates together in a great unified quantum field. This comes up within almost every episode because it relates to literally everything in existence.

When we know that the foundational energy that makes up everything, even the space between things, is singular and interconnected energy, then we can understand how crystals are so much more than pretty rocks.

Seeing that everything can be seen as an extension of ourselves, crystals are exactly that. They are conductors, transmuters, and channelers of energy. Each one has its own geometric lattice, and thus, their own particular radiant energy.

Some crystals are physically made up of more carbon – like shungite for example. Studies...

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Spirit Science 14 ~ Insights of Ascension

The Insights of Ascension are from a series of books called The Celestine Prophecy which tells the story of a normal person going through self-realization by following 9 specific insights.

The first insight describes that there is underlying energy operating underneath everything we do. There is something more, like understanding that coincidences aren’t actually coincidences at all, but synchronicities in your life trying to show you something important.

The second insight describes that we are all in the process of creating a new perception of our world. Our beliefs were heavily controlled by the church in the past, which then shifted into science to seek answers. Now, we are turning inwards into ourselves to unwrap the deeply asked answers humanity has been asking for centuries.

The third insight describes a new understanding of the reality of being entirely made up of energy rather than crude matter. Energy interacts with each other, it is constantly shifting with us....

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Spirit Science 15 ~ Power of the Heart

The power of the heart is an incredibly important and sacred topic. It is one of the most important aspects of spirituality across the board, as it acts as a sort of gateway into higher dimensions both within and outside of ourselves.

In the past, the heart has typically been regarded as not as important as the brain, for it doesn’t “think” or allow us to understand the world in the way the brain does.

In truth, the heart has an incredibly powerful energy field and is filled with its own set of firing “neurons” which help it act as a different kind of brain in and of itself, one more connected with our basic psychological processes. If the heart is calm and steady, the mind is calm and steady.

For a great deal of time, it has been misunderstood or simply disregarded among the scientific community, but has slowly been gaining more traction with the advent of the Institute of Heartmath, who has pioneered a great deal of research in this field.


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Spirit Science 16 ~ The Shift of Ages

As 2012 rolled around, this episode focused on the current events happening around that time period. Patchman explains the importance of the shift of ages that happened in 2012 and the connection it had to the Mayan calendar.

It is the completion of many cycles, the longest one being 26 million years, which marks a new age as we begin to enter into the age of Aquarius.

Many years have passed since then, and it has been interesting indeed! Many people were very scared of the end of the world as the calendar seemed to “end”. What it was truly signifying was the end of our old ways, patterns, and consciousness.

This was a window of time where many people started to rapidly wake up all around the world. We can see now that there was no apocalypse but rather an expansion of our collective consciousness, and the shifting is still happening today!

2012 can be seen as a doorway where we can now move into new and better potentials for our world. It is up to everyone on earth to...

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Spirit Science 17 ~ Universal Geometry

In this episode, Patchman delves into the world of the microcosms which make up the macrocosm.

As we’ve explored before, everything in our universe is fundamentally made up of a base sacred geometry known as the flower of life. From this geometry stems many more shapes and solids which make up our physical world as we know it.

This episode features other episodes within it from shows like Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman. This show discusses quantum psychics and how things are connected cosmically and consciously.

Later on, in the episode we also look at a very incredible study done which involved scanning the body repeatedly during conception, to show what the stages of birth look like from embryo to fetus. In this video, we see a cell literally divides itself into a flower of life pattern until it eventually becomes a developed life form. We are literally living sacred geometry.

There is also a clip from a video called The Template from a team of lightworkers in the...

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Spirit Science 18 ~ The Four Elements

This episode talks about the importance of the four elements, commonly known as Earth, Fire, Water, and Air, which are found in many different systems all around the world. We have the four elements, four states of matter, four seasons, four directions and many more.

This system of four is prevalent everywhere and holds many different meanings. Patchman describes a few ways to view reality, through a single, dual, triple and quadruple viewpoint.

The first one is unity, it is single energy that encompasses all there is. It is singular, and there is nothing outside of it. Then there is duality, it is male and female. Black and white, yin and yang.

Then there is the holy trinity; mind, body, and spirit. More commonly, this can be seen with “up-down middle” “hot-cold neutral” or “male-female child”. Finally, there are four elements that can be understood through the four modalities of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual means.

On another level,...

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